A Citadel cadet...

Originally posted by wearthefishes

Au contraire, I ignore any thread you start.

How would you know about them, if they are ignored?

Are you stalking me? Citizens arrest, citizens arrest… Gotta love Gommer…


My Dad and Grandfather attended one of those military academies. Grandfather-West point and my dad went to the Citadel. Both of them fought for our country and gave everything. My dad upon returning from his second tour in Vietnam was never the same ,his body was shredded by shrapnel and he never recovered mentally or physically. Neither of them were marines, but certainly that shouldnt diminish the fact that they gave so very much to this country. Allot of solid men come out of those academies and most certainly deserve our respect, you just cant generalize them all as a bunch of wusses. Im sure plenty of marines would be honored to stand with them, even though they were army. I would encourage you to look up my Grand Dad he led the 29th Field Artillery Battalion on D-Day, he was a hero. Google Joel Furman Thomason 29th FA Battalion Commander, they suffered one third of the casualties on D-Day, they were army, and they deserve our respect, Im sure he would have shown you the same.:question:

Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth
Originally posted by wearthefishes

Au contraire, I ignore any thread you start.

How would you know about them, if they are ignored?

Are you stalking me? Citizens arrest, citizens arrest… Gotta love Gommer…


I only come to this site maybe a couple times a day when I happen to be in front of my puter at home. My phone beeps/vibrates enuf without subscribing to this sites many activities. By "ignore", I mean seeing your name before opening a post. Many threads have have meaning and/or substance of interest to me, which often are derailed by your input. I simply agreed with DFreedom.
Originally posted by runbabyrun

My Dad and Grandfather attended one of those military academies. Grandfather-West point and my dad went to the Citadel. Both of them fought for our country and gave everything. My dad upon returning from his second tour in Vietnam was never the same ,his body was shredded by shrapnel and he never recovered mentally or physically. Neither of them were marines, but certainly that shouldnt diminish the fact that they gave so very much to this country. Allot of solid men come out of those academies and most certainly deserve our respect, you just cant generalize them all as a bunch of wusses. Im sure plenty of marines would be honored to stand with them, even though they were army. I would encourage you to look up my Grand Dad he led the 29th Field Artillery Battalion on D-Day, he was a hero. Google Joel Furman Thomason 29th FA Battalion Commander, they suffered one third of the casualties on D-Day, they were army, and they deserve our respect, Im sure he would have shown you the same.:question:

I whole heartedly agree el cid once was a great institution. Now it has approx 75-80% acceptance rate and 60% 4 year grad rate. Not what it once was. That is reality

Better off going to Clemson. At least they dropped the military part and have excelled ever since. El cid should consider following the same formula for success.


Originally posted by wearthefishes
Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth
Originally posted by wearthefishes

Au contraire, I ignore any thread you start.

How would you know about them, if they are ignored?

Are you stalking me? Citizens arrest, citizens arrest… Gotta love Gommer…


I only come to this site maybe a couple times a day when I happen to be in front of my puter at home. My phone beeps/vibrates enuf without subscribing to this sites many activities. By "ignore", I mean seeing your name before opening a post. Many threads have have meaning and/or substance of interest to me, which often are derailed by your input. I simply agreed with DFreedom.

Not sure how I derailed a derogatory thread about el cid that I didn’t start, but I have stayed on topic. Don’t blame me.

You just don’t like what I am saying and that is your right. Many marines fought for your right to do so.



Serious moves fo sho…


I was correct when I said “Paris Island” in reference to your comment. You see, Parris Island is where men become Marines and in doing so, they carry themselves accordingly moving forward where ever their life leads them. “Paris Island” is reserved for people that conduct themselves like you, unlike a Marine, who has clearly lost their military bearing. You think you’re somehow earning a higher belt in verbal judo by conducting yourself in this manner but in reality, you’re little more than a pot stirring pogue and the epitome of a keyboard commando/Internet tough guy.

If you’ve been there, act like you’ve been there. Do what you want with your own character but don’t disrespect the character of the Corps. Once a Marine, always a Marine…so start acting like one. If you can’t, go deal with your daddy issues elsewhere and quit flying the flag until you regain your bearing.

In the future, where every stranger poses a potential threat, knowing the predator mindset is the only safe haven.


Originally posted by archer

I was correct when I said “Paris Island” in reference to your comment. You see, Parris Island is where men become Marines and in doing so, they carry themselves accordingly moving forward where ever their life leads them. “Paris Island” is reserved for people that conduct themselves like you, unlike a Marine, who has clearly lost their military bearing. You think you’re somehow earning a higher belt in verbal judo by conducting yourself in this manner but in reality, you’re little more than a pot stirring pogue and the epitome of a keyboard commando/Internet tough guy.

If you’ve been there, act like you’ve been there. Do what you want with your own character but don’t disrespect the character of the Corps. Once a Marine, always a Marine…so start acting like one. If you can’t, go deal with your daddy issues elsewhere and quit flying the flag until you regain your bearing.

In the future, where every stranger poses a potential threat, knowing the predator mindset is the only safe haven.

What in the world makes you think I am a marine? No way would I sign up to be brained washed. I respect the heck out of them, but any one that would sign up for that voluntarily is a very special person indeed. Glad there are folks that do, but I’ll sit back and just enjoy the freedom they provide. I am too old and lazy. Basically, I am just too lazy.


For the record, it’s “brainwashed.”

No matter how much it hurts, how dark it gets, or how far you fall…you are never out of the fight.

To tell ya the truth when froth came on here and told us all goodbye, I thought he really meant " Goodbye ".
I guess I was the only one,I just didn’t wanna say so.From his history, it surely sounded possible…

Originally posted by bangstick

For the record, it’s “brainwashed.”

No matter how much it hurts, how dark it gets, or how far you fall…you are never out of the fight.

Shhhh. It’s supposed to be a secret.


Originally posted by capehorn 16

To tell ya the truth when froth came on here and told us all goodbye, I thought he really meant " Goodbye ".
I guess I was the only one,I just didn’t wanna say so.From his history, it surely sounded possible…

I really meant it. At the time, I had an illness in the family. Still do, but I had some idle time this weekend. I’ll give you guys another reprieve.

I hope you folks don’t really take what I say seriously. If you do, I certainly could see how frustrating it would be.

Take care,


Make it a year or more, this time! If you give it enough time, there will be a whole new crop of CFC members coming along, to make tired of you!

I don’t know about the rest of the cadets, but the one’s on the football team seem pretty tough.

Too tough for the coots.

Ill agree the citadel isn’t what it used to be. Seems many of them are just frat boys pretending to be soldiers now.

There are good and bad men in and out of uniform, they are not all saints or losers.

First, Most, Biggest

Originally posted by Easy

Make it a year or more, this time! If you give it enough time, there will be a whole new crop of CFC members coming along, to make tired of you!

Not all new easy. Mostly aliases. :smiley:

Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by Easy

Make it a year or more, this time! If you give it enough time, there will be a whole new crop of CFC members coming along, to make tired of you!

Not all new easy. Mostly aliases. :smiley:

s'up joeboo?
Originally posted by poke salad
Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by Easy

Make it a year or more, this time! If you give it enough time, there will be a whole new crop of CFC members coming along, to make tired of you!

Not all new easy. Mostly aliases. :smiley:

s'up joeboo?

Wondered for a long time and only Bolbie would say that. Thanks for confirming!! :wink::smiley:

You came on here with too few posts and much latter to know anything about that one. But you are wrong all the same poly/ poke bolbie salad.