A quick rant

I was just watching the Today show and they were talking about leaving/forgetting babies or pets in cars in the summer heat and ways to remind you that you have a child in the back seat. Suggesting to leave something important, that you need, in the back with the baby. Like a cell phone, a purse or your left shoe, since you would never leave your car without them. WTF!!

How on God’s green earth is a child not the most important thing in the world?? A cell phone? Give me a friggin’ break. How am I going to text & talk while I drive? If I have to toss a shoe in the back so I will remember my baby, I shouldn’t be allowed to reproduce.

The same goes for pets. I have left my dog is the truck for a few minutes, but the engine was running and the air conditioner was on and doors locked.

Ok, I guess I’m done.

It’s time to face the fact that some people should NOT be allowed to vote or reproduce.


Totally agree. These people need to be prosecuted. As it is they have an out, “Oh, I totally forgot my child was in the backseat!” Start prosecuting them and I think the problem diminishes.

HB, here is another one to make your day 2X as good…


At the end of this interview, he reveals he has a son and lost custody…



At 25, I moved back in with my parents after my 1st divorce. Mom charged me rent for room & board and gave me 3 months to find a job & move out. I was out in one month. Not to say they didn’t help me out, but said “You’re a grown man, and grown men don’t live with Mommy & Daddy.”

Bob Van Gundy
Custom Aluminum Fabrication

Originally posted by Happy Bob "You're a grown man, and grown men don't live with Mommy & Daddy."

we don’t have that kind of backbone any more.

Originally posted by PeaPod
Originally posted by Happy Bob "You're a grown man, and grown men don't live with Mommy & Daddy."

we don’t have that kind of backbone any more.

Some still do. My son was 20 when he moved back in, We charged him rent and gave him a curfew. He was back on his feet in 2 months. Of course the wife gave him the rent money back. :sunglasses:

Originally posted by Happy Bob

I was just watching the Today show and they were talking about leaving/forgetting babies or pets in cars in the summer heat and ways to remind you that you have a child in the back seat. Suggesting to leave something important, that you need, in the back with the baby. Like a cell phone, a purse or your left shoe, since you would never leave your car without them. WTF!!

How on God’s green earth is a child not the most important thing in the world?? A cell phone? Give me a friggin’ break. How am I going to text & talk while I drive? If I have to toss a shoe in the back so I will remember my baby, I shouldn’t be allowed to reproduce.

The same goes for pets. I have left my dog is the truck for a few minutes, but the engine was running and the air conditioner was on and doors locked.

Ok, I guess I’m done.

Bob Van Gundy
Custom Aluminum Fabrication

A well needed rant. Ludicrous that any parent could forget a child.

A left shoe!! Good lord, it’s like some people are actually condoning this crap. They probably were in the participation trophy group.

Never left my son in the car! But I once came in from a morning of fishing and when I got to the truck to retrive the boat it was still running! I don’t think I am the only one that does stupid things tho! Love to hear other experances.

[i]Originally posted by Fred67

A well needed rant. Ludicrous that any parent could forget a child.

A left shoe!! Good lord, it’s like some people are actually condoning this crap. They probably were in the participation trophy group.

I swear, the guy said leave your left shoe next to your baby in the back seat. Because you would never go in anywhere wearing just one shoe. I wanted to reach into the TV and slap the crap out of him with my left flip flop.

Bob Van Gundy
Custom Aluminum Fabrication

This just amazes the sh%#@@** out of me, how in the world do you forget a child in the car . If they cannot remember that they just put a child in the car, I wonder if the should be driving and just pray they do not plan on having more. Put a shoe in the back to remind them WHATTT!!! of course there are a lot of folks that can only wear loafers!!

I am thinking maybe they should recommend to these types of people to place a left shoe in their junk as a reminder to use a condom…


Many folks driving have too many more important issues to be concerned with…try running a motorcycle and see how invisible you are to most drivers.

You have to consider the fact that there’s the whole flat earth phenomena happening. If you haven’t seen it, I’ll leave that to you and google. People are dumb.

I will admit, I have to put my keys in my lunch so I don’t forget it at times.

10% of the people catch 90% of the fish.

Your first mistake is that you were watching the today show. You don’t deserve to rant if you watch that show.

Key West 2300 Bluewater

Originally posted by DG34YF

Many folks driving have too many more important issues to be concerned with…try running a motorcycle and see how invisible you are to most drivers.

I quit riding about 8 years ago. So many on cell phones and like you said you are invisible to many drivers. I’d really like to see no texting and driving and all drivers must use a hands free device to talk and drive.

Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by DG34YF

Many folks driving have too many more important issues to be concerned with…try running a motorcycle and see how invisible you are to most drivers.

I quit riding about 8 years ago. So many on cell phones and like you said you are invisible to many drivers. I’d really like to see no texting and driving and all drivers must use a hands free device to talk and drive.

No texting and driving is already a state wide law.

Key West 2300 Bluewater

Originally posted by Reel Tight
Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by DG34YF

Many folks driving have too many more important issues to be concerned with…try running a motorcycle and see how invisible you are to most drivers.

I quit riding about 8 years ago. So many on cell phones and like you said you are invisible to many drivers. I’d really like to see no texting and driving and all drivers must use a hands free device to talk and drive.

No texting and driving is already a state wide law.

Key West 2300 Bluewater

The law doesn’t stop but maybe a few. I see the lights in cars from cell phones all the time coming home from work at night.

I don’t ride anymore either. With that being said, my Harley is still for sale, if you know anyone looking.

Bob Van Gundy
Custom Aluminum Fabrication

Originally posted by Reel Tight
Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by DG34YF

Many folks driving have too many more important issues to be concerned with…try running a motorcycle and see how invisible you are to most drivers.

I quit riding about 8 years ago. So many on cell phones and like you said you are invisible to many drivers. I’d really like to see no texting and driving and all drivers must use a hands free device to talk and drive.

No texting and driving is already a state wide law.

Key West 2300 Bluewater

An unenforced law. Do you know anyone that has been cited for texting and driving? I don’t.

So easy to see a person on a phone in a car. Are they texting or talking? Put the law in place to only talk using a hands free device like commercial drivers now have and then let the law men have fun pulling over 90% of drivers.

The only reason this law is not enforced is because the law makers would then be governed by it and they don’t want that. They think they can talk and text better than me and you… but they can not.

No I don’t know anyone cited for texting but I also know people that speed all the time and don’t get tickets. All laws are only enforced when someone is caught braking them. Texting and driving is a tough one to enforce, but hey…it’s the law, so the people who didn’t text before now have a law in place to make them feel good about not braking the law. The ones that text will still text because they know it’s (**() near impossible to get caught, and the smart ones know they can’t look at your phone to see if you were texting without a warrant.

So how do you solve the problem? You could always push the manufactures to for the technology that blocks texting at certain rates of speed but then what does that do for passengers? How long would it for something like that to make a difference? I for one use the same iphone 5 today that I purchased in 2012. I know that’s probably rare, but it’s something to be considered.

Key West 2300 Bluewater