Accident -- Charlie & Maureen From Camden

That’s good to hear! More Prayers sent!

He’s apparently doing much better:

Update of Charles Reynolds 1/ 11 /15 10:10 A.M. The Charlotte Medical Center just called me to tell me Charlie has moved through the I.C.U. unit into the progressive wing. He was moved out of trauma to I.C.U. and has stabilized and shown improvement. Progressive is the next step to a regular room...........yeehaw!

‘14 Key West 203FS w/ Yamaha F150
"Kiss my ass, I bought a boat; I’m goin’ out to sea." (Jimmy Buffett covering Lovett)

Thanks for the update.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.

Yet another:

Update for Charles Reynolds 1/16/15 I don't know if i should call this an update or a seems thats what its turning into...... The nurse and a doctor called this morning for permission to do the procedures, there were two because they have to double check when permission is granted over the phone....anyway I called a few minutes ago and they said there were no problems and he took the procedures very well and he is resting now.. The broncho scopy, where they put a camera in the lungs, saw that the tube draining fluid out of the lung was not draining properly. They put a new one in. That one has been in for thirteen days. I cannot properly pronounce the other procedure but it sounded like parasinteesis, where they drain fluid from the abdominal cavity. They removed 2 liters today and 4 liters 4 days ago. That blew my mind There is still some more to remove but not as much as before. It was suspected they would have to sedate him and put him back on the ventilator again but she said he was able to breathe on his own. He still has the trachea tube and is being supplemented by an oxygen bottle. I was told they can put a valve in the port in his throat he can open and close so he can talk. She told me he is resting for the evening, he is most alert in the mornings around 10AM an if I would call back then, she will see if we can talk for a little bit. So we are gonna try in the morning Thats all i have for today.

‘14 Key West 203FS w/ Yamaha F150
"Kiss my ass, I bought a boat; I’m goin’ out to sea." (Jimmy Buffett covering Lovett)

Thanks again for updating…

SAFMC you suck!

Originally posted by Gut Wrench

Thanks again for updating.

You are welcome.

I’ll continue to submit progress reports until he’s been released into the custody of the Kershaw County Sheriff’s Department.

'14 Key West 203FS w/ Yamaha F150
‘99 145 Sportfish w/ Johnson 40
"Kiss my ass, I bought a boat; I’m goin’ out to sea." (Jimmy Buffett covering Lovett)

yes, please do, and thank you for keeping us informed…Charlie has a long road of recovery and living with the consequences ahead of him…my prayers are with Maureen’s family for peace and understanding and with Charlie for dealing with his uncertain future…

The Morris Island Lighthouse

Well said Bonzo72. So sad for the lose. She will be missed by many.

Up and down…up and down:

I have an update for Charles Reynolds 1/ 21/15 Charlie had a VATS procedure done yesterday but i was too tired from work to post The doctors have been having trouble diagnosing what is wrong with his lungs taking oxygen. Yesterday they made an incision through his ribcage to get a higher resolution camera in where they could see better and found he had clotted blood and foreign material in the bottom of his right lung. They vacuumed it out. It was that simple. After the surgery he was put back on a ventilator machine and taken back to I.C.U. so he could be closely monitored. He will most likely be moved back to the progressive wing in a day or two. I spoke with his doctor and the nurse. The both of them stressed that he still has a long way to go and he is not gonna be going anywhere for a while. His responding to treatment is showing improvement daily and he is going in the right direction. Thats all i know at this point

'14 Key West 203FS w/ Yamaha F150
‘99 145 Sportfish w/ Johnson 40
"Kiss my ass, I bought a boat; I’m goin’ out to sea." (Jimmy Buffett covering Lovett)

hoping this is a positive movement for Charlie…we’ll be thinking about Maureen and Charlie today at the oyster roast…

The Morris Island Lighthouse

Updated about 10 minutes ago:

i have an update for Charles Reynolds 1/ 28/15 this will be the last post on my brother for a while unless there is any change for the worse. Charlie has steadily been showing improvement but is still real weak and fragile.He has undergone i think 8 procedures in less that a month. A failing heart and liver damage may or may not repair themselves Charlotte medical has done about all they can do for him and now its gonna be a long road to recovery. I will let you know that they want me to sign DNR papers and send them back according to his wishes, should he take a turn for the worst.. His recovery will be in the hands of someone more qualified than myself and I call that person God. Charlie is just now getting back to solid food and has started to drink water instead of a feeding tube supplying him. I don't know if he is able to stand or walk yet, he is able to talk a little. He is doing well enough that the hospital is wanting to send him to a rehabilitation center but has not committed to one just yet. there have been some decisions I have had to make that I didn't want to. Right or wrong............I did what I had to. The prayers and support have been overwhelming. Even though I don't see many of you face to face anymore your support means as much to me as anything i ever had in this world. I pray my brother continues to heal. Also that his girlfriend Maureens family finds closure and healing to this tragic and unfortunate situation. If there is any change for the better or for the worse i will keep u posted. I didn't hear from the hospital for a couple of days and i figured that no news is good news. When i called them the nurse confirmed that. She said now that he is doing better they didn't need to call all the time.All i know is my world will never be the same because of this and i think that this is true.for everyone involved.<hr height="1" noshade i

Charlie was released from the Charlotte hospital on either Friday or Saturday of last week. I spoke to him for a few minutes mid-week last week. He sounded depressed and broken. He was apologetic and asked where Maureen was buried, and how the funeral was. He stated he didn’t remember anything from that night…

The lady who picked him up took him to their house; apparently, the hospital wasn’t just supposed to “turn him loose”. Supposedly, the SCHP should have been notified, but that’s neither here, nor there.

He stayed there until yesterday. He was then greeted by two SCHP patrol cars and taken to KCDC. A bond hearing is scheduled for about 5pm.

'14 Key West 203FS w/ Yamaha F150
‘99 145 Sportfish w/ Johnson 40
"Kiss my ass, I bought a boat; I’m goin’ out to sea." (Jimmy Buffett covering Lovett)

As sad and depressing as it is, thank you for the update. I’m not sure what you could do to Charlie that would be anywhere as bad as what he will have to live with for the rest of his life.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.

That was painful to read. God bless all involved.

Originally posted by 7cs

That was painful to read. God bless all involved.


So sad


Oyster Baron

NMFS = No More Fishing Season

“Back home we got a taxidermy man. He gonna have a heart attack when he see what I brung him”

Originally posted by DFreedom

As sad and depressing as it is, thank you for the update. I’m not sure what you could do to Charlie that would be anywhere as bad as what he will have to live with for the rest of his life.

agreed…there is still much pain left…thanks again to USMCsilver for the continued updates…

The Morris Island Lighthouse

Bond was set @ $125K.

I feel bad for him, but this was his choice. We make mistakes, some worse than others. Sometimes the repercussions are light; sometimes they are long-lasting. In this case, the consequence was death. It doesn’t get much more “long-lasting” than that.

'14 Key West 203FS w/ Yamaha F150
‘99 145 Sportfish w/ Johnson 40
"Kiss my ass, I bought a boat; I’m goin’ out to sea." (Jimmy Buffett covering Lovett)