Accident -- Charlie & Maureen From Camden

I know some of you folks on here know who I’m talking about. I’m not sure of Charlie’s handle on here, but I know he’s been down to an oyster roast or two.

Anyway, last night, Charlie was driving home from a New Year’s party and wrecked Maureens BMW. Maureen died upon impact and Charlie was 1st taken to our hospital, then airlifted to Charlotte. We’re unsure of his condition right now, but it is understood he was alert when they were being cutout from the car.

Maureen has a son & daughter and two awesome grandkids. Please say a prayer for all family members. She was a wonderful lady and a good friend, coworker, and neighbor.

Thank you.

‘14 Key West 203FS w/ Yamaha F150
"Kiss my ass, I bought a boat; I’m goin’ out to sea." (Jimmy Buffett covering Lovett)

So sorry to hear this. Will say some prayers.


this is horrible news…Charlie’s handle is justcr, and yes, they have made it down the past couple of years for the oyster roast…even coming from out of town they always beat me to the shelter and began getting things ready for the party…my prayers do go to their family…please keep us informed of Charlie’s progress…

The Morris Island Lighthouse

Charlie is a great guy - please let us know if there is anything we can do.

Oh my goodness…what horrible news. Such a sweet sweet couple. They came down for my bday party year before last. My heart and prayers go out to their family and friends. We definately need to try to do something for Charlie and the children. My heart is so sad right now.

miss’n fish’n

Sea Squirt 16

I didn’t know them but very ,very sad for them and their family :frowning_face: Willing to help any way I can.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Cracker Built Custom Boats

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

I’m with everyone else that posted.

Double D.

Terrible news! Prayers sent for him and the family.

'06 Mckee Craft
184 Marathon
DF140 Suzuki

So very tragic,prayers for the family

The funeral will be Monday at 11am. The viewing is Sunday from 4-7pm.

I’ve gotten a few PMs about helping, etc. I really have no idea what could be done. If anyone wants to send flowers, they could probably arrange that through the funeral home.

Charlie is still in Charlotte. He’s got a collapsed lung, broken ribs, and is bleeding internally. He’s sedated right now and is on a ventilator. That’s all I’ve got.

Thanks for all the support, I’m sure he’d appreciate it.

‘14 Key West 203FS w/ Yamaha F150
"Kiss my ass, I bought a boat; I’m goin’ out to sea." (Jimmy Buffett covering Lovett)

Originally posted by USMCsilver

The funeral will be Monday at 11am. The viewing is Sunday from 4-7pm.

I’ve gotten a few PMs about helping, etc. I really have no idea what could be done. If anyone wants to send flowers, they could probably arrange that through the funeral home.

Charlie is still in Charlotte. He’s got a collapsed lung, broken ribs, and is bleeding internally. He’s sedated right now and is on a ventilator. That’s all I’ve got.

Thanks for all the support, I’m sure he’d appreciate it.

</font id=“quote”></blockquote id=“quote”>

and we appreciate you letting us know what you know…

The Morris Island Lighthouse

Oh man, Charlie and I have conversed many times here on CF and I talked to him at the oysters roasts. I am so sorry to hear about this.

Please keep us posted as to Charlie’s condition if you don’t mind. Thank you for letting us know.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.

Thank you for letting us know. Very sad to hear.

Not sure what to say,very sorry to see this…

SAFMC you suck!

Services were today. It was off to somewhat of a rough start, as a preacher from a “Motorcycle Church”. He didn’t know Maureen, and stumbled a bit in his speech. However, he was rescued by Maureen’s niece, Theresa, who is a lawyer in Charleston. She did a wonderful job; Maureen would have been proud.

I’m going to get a status update on Charlie tonight, as a mutual friend is going to see him. Part of me would like to go up there, but the other part of me wants to keep my distance so I don’t say something I will later regret.

Please continue to keep all the family members in your prayers. Thanks.

‘14 Key West 203FS w/ Yamaha F150
"Kiss my ass, I bought a boat; I’m goin’ out to sea." (Jimmy Buffett covering Lovett)

Originally posted by USMCsilver

Services were today. It was off to somewhat of a rough start, as a preacher from a “Motorcycle Church”. He didn’t know Maureen, and stumbled a bit in his speech. However, he was rescued by Maureen’s niece, Theresa, who is a lawyer in Charleston. She did a wonderful job; Maureen would have been proud.

I’m going to get a status update on Charlie tonight, as a mutual friend is going to see him. Part of me would like to go up there, but the other part of me wants to keep my distance so I don’t say something I will later regret.

Please continue to keep all the family members in your prayers. Thanks.

what is their last name? and thank you for again relaying the info to us…I’m sure there are many people on this board concerned about it…

The Morris Island Lighthouse

The last name is Knudson.

Here is a post Charlie’s brother made to his FB page earlier today:

Update on Charles Reynolds Today the nurse called me to give me his situation. She asked me what did I know and understand about his situation. One of his very close friends whe sees him at least twice a week went to see him yesterday and called me to tell me his wrists are the size of his thigh and he did'nt look right. Also he told me his eyes are yellow. My understanding is that its caused by the liver. I told the nurse that someone described him to me and i suspected liver damage.she told me that is correct he is having some liver failure and he also has several broken ribs but he is not broken anywhere else. He has had a couple of heart surgeries in the past and the trauma of hitting the steering wheel is alot for a weak heart let alone broken ribs.When he had heart surgery he contracted hepatitis-C and that is part of the liver problem and i am sure that drinking,however severe or moderate, has not helped either. The liver failure is driving up the ammonia levels in his blood and it is poisoning him. His body is trying to reject the ventilator tube and at looks like pneumonia is trying to set in. she asked me how do i think he would feel about a trache tube being put in the front of his throat (cant spell it -sounds like- Tray-kee-otomy i think) anyway i told her "If there is a good chance he will make it do it" "if not i know he would not want to exist on life support" she said it is not to that point YET but its probable and we want to know how to proceed. I told her if he slips away and needs to be unplugged i will come and do it, that i don't want him to leave this world alone and if it came to that i want to be there. she said that will be fine but it is not even close to that but" things can change in the blink of an eye" were her exact words. I don't know if they will see this but

Update from his brother:

Update on Charles Reynolds 1/ 7/15 the nurse called.....a little later than usual.......they have been trying to "wean"him off the ventilator tube. They take samples of his blood and measure the oxygen content to determine the flow of the oxygen through the tube. With the ammonia levels from liver failure this cannot be done yet, she said not for a good while yet. The problem is they have to take it out to feed him. He is conscious but not responding to commands but he eats. This is troublesome if they have to put it back in, in an emergency situation. His body is rejecting the tube anyway.He is being sedated to keep him from getting excited too much.She told me the procedure for a Tracheotomy where they make an incision in the throat and put a port in it and insert a breathing tube to supply him supplemental oxygen. and if I thought he would want this. I told her I know my brother and we have prepared ourselves over the past couple of years because of his failing health. He would not want to exist on life support, but if the doctors felt it would help him and improve his odds of recovering, do it. "you have a hospital and i do not, I'm trusting that you know what to do" I told her. I know without oxygen he doesn't have a chance,but, this is as far as i can go as far as inserting tubes to sustain life for him. If his body cannot process enough oxygen on its own, i can go with that. He always told me "if i cannot wipe my own ass, don't keep me here" i feel like in a way, I'm violating our agreement, but this is based on the premise of him recovering. they referred me to 2 staff members to confirm that permission for the procedure to be done. they will do it late today or in the morning. When we hung up the phone, I remembered she said he is being sedated to keep him from getting excited and i'm wondering now if he's getting excited because he thinks they are gonna

Thanks for the update. I am just so sorry about this.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.

Update; things are looking up, it seems.

Update on Charles Reynolds 1/ 9/15 one of Charlies friends called yesterday and told me they were going to go and visit him today so i didn't post yesterday. when they made it there they called and told me he looked good and was not able to talk but they were able to communicate with him. I told them that this in itself was a miracle because i have NEVER known my brother to be speechless............ She held the phone to his ear and i told him that no matter what has happened I still loved him just the same and i will always be here for him. Also that there ware many people concerned about him and praying for him. I would get over to see him as soon as I was able. I told him I'm sorry to have made a decision he may not have wanted and I was not trying to "violate" our agreement. they came back on the line and asked if I said all I needed to and I told them yes......they told me that he was smiling as i talked to him and he indicated to them that it was alright...... I think anyone can visit him, but I am the only one who can receive any medical information about him. To anyone interested he is in the Charlotte Medical Center in Charlotte, North Carolina. I would call first to be sure of visiting times. Later I spoke with the nurse and asked if his unresponsiveness earlier in the week was due to "reality setting in" or was it a medical situation. She told me yes it was medical, due to the ammonia levels in his bloodstream. They treated it and he has shown "marked improvement over the last 2 days " The ventilator breathing tube WAS a breathing machine,partly because of broken ribs he was unable to fully breathe on his own, so may have been I was correct (i think) in my assumption that he thought he was on life support. After the trachea tube was put in and the ventilator was taken out he was not getting "excited anymore" so they have backed off o