Aging a deer

Got this 2 deer coming in on camera lately and both have surprisingly been showing up during some daylight hours. Got a bow stand set up 30 yards from this camera, and haven’t been able to sit it much since I’m still at school. Pretty sure the wider buck is a 3 or so, and the other is too young to take (even though it’s only a 100 acre tract, I’d still feel better passing on this deer and taking my chances on it growing), but I’d like some other opinions on the older deer.

Can’t catch anything on a dry hook…

Can’t catch anything on a dry hook…

Your age estimate is probably spot on, as is your reasoning for letting the smaller one walk. If you shoot him he surely won’t grow, you’d be surprised the good bucks that get killed on small pieces of property that have neighbors murdering ever dink 6 or 7pt that walks out.

11 Bowtech Destroyer
Remington 700 30-06

do you hunt deer for the trophy or meat? I don’t hunt much so I am wondering what difference it makes if the deer is 3 or 5. Does it make you feel better to kill one that is older or are you hoping for a bigger rack?

Originally posted by salty849

that have neighbors murdering ever dink 6 or 7pt that walks out.

Easy on the murdering:smiley:. While I don’t focus on bucks much, to each there own. I hunt for meat and prefer does. If I was a new hunter and a nice basket 6pt walked out, I’d Murder the Hell out of it. I had my fill of venison before the season started.

Our deer population is over crowded. When you can run a hunting season for a solid 6 months and still have enough in spring to decimate farmers crops, hunters are not taking enough.

the shot is 100% up to you. the older one is a nice buck for sure and if he steps in front of another stand will likely get shot. the smaller one definitely has potential to be nice in the future being an 8 point at a young age, but hes not bad either so he also stands the chance of being shot. either one would be a nice buck but shoot or not depends if youre hunting for racks or meat. if this is a property youll be able to hunt for several years to wait for bigger racks id take the bigger buck and leave the smaller one to grow and take some does to fill the freezer up, but if he steps out alone and youre biggest concern is meat in the freezer i see no shame in taking the smaller 8 either. good luck on the hunt!

Shoot him

Haha there’s no doubt ill shoot the wide 8 if he gives me a shot. There’s was no question on that, just wanted to see if my aging was correct. Hunt for both meat and quality deer if I’m given the chance. There’s a bunch of does for the meat though, so I’d rather just take my chances and let younger deer walk. Good chance someone shoots em before they get mature, but who knows.

Can’t catch anything on a dry hook…

GOOD ON YOU edisto! I would guess that the older deer is a 3 1/2. Neck isnt quite big enough for four nor is the belly but thats not as good of an indication. I would have to see the jaw to know for 100% though. I hope you get the opprotunity to age him in that fashion!
Catman: Just as humans have a peak physical age whitetails and every other animals do as well. The antler growth, outside factors prohibited, will be the best at around 5 years. Meaning if you kill a 2 year old that is a 8 point with 14 in spread had you let the same deer mature to peak he could be a 12 with 22 in spread. Its not an exact science but letting them walk always means they age and any harvest survey will prove that the closer to the peak age you allow the deer to live the better his antler size will be

is it wrong then to take a younger deer if I am not worried about rack size?

No not a bit. They sure eat better. From a genetical standpoint I like to give them a few years at least to see where they Are headed and if it’s subpar cull them early. A 1 1/2 year old doe shot between the eyes is as good as any veal if cleaned correctly

T hammer that big one. That’s a nice deer. I’d take my chances and let the smaller one walk, but ultimately it’s your choice. I know you have killed one this year but I’d hold out and stick the older one. I prefer quality over quantity but that’s just me

Couldn’t agree more B. Can’t wait to get back and try to get on him. Saw the young 8 two weeks ago at this same stand doggin a doe pretty hard. Hopefully that was just some pre-rut action and big boy will be chasing until I can get back home. Who knows, might even let you get down there and shwack him B-Mo :wink:

Can’t catch anything on a dry hook…

You know im always free

I’d say 3 1/2 and 2 1/2 years old. Based on an article I read from QDMA, a 3 1/2 year old deer will achieve 80% of maximum rack potential on average. Below are the other averages the article gave. You can see why people let 2 1/2 year old deer walk. They get significantly bigger the next year but it tails off some after that. A monster 4 1/2 year old buck was probably a monster 3 1/2 year old buck too but maybe not a 2 1/2. If it’s your land to make the decision on what to shoot and not shoot, no one else’s opinion matters. Don’t feel bad about any decision you make!

1 1/2 - 30%
2 1/2 - 60%
3 1/2 - 80%
4 1/2 - 90%
5 1/2 - 100%