Albert Adiladou

obviously this guy wanted me to get a bunch of money…thought I’d have a little fun with him over about a two month time frame…

As i said in my first letter, my client Mr Jared Hitchcock, left behind the deposit of 8.5 million euro at the bank here in the Togo before he died in accident along with his wife while returning from a vacation, they died in Togo but he was a citizen of your country and we could not trace any other of their relative to receive this deposit that left in his bank account.
I would want you to stand as the next of kin so that the bank can release the deposit to you hence the next of kin which was the wife died along with him in the accident.
I decided to contact you hence the bank will confiscate the deposit and declare the account unserviceable if no one comes to claim the deposit and you can receive the deposit hence you have the same surname or common name and more so, both of you are from the same country.
You should send the following information’ to me so that i can draft and send to you, the application which you will send to the bank requesting them to release the deposit to you.
You send to me your full names… Profession… Age… Telephone… Fax… Address…
Once everything is completed, you will receive 45% of the total sum and i will get 50% while we will give 5% to Charity.
Hope to hear from you, Your friend Mr Albert Adiladou

Sorry, we ain’t got no fax here in the swamp bog. Dpes you know how to play Bloody Penguin?

Dear Carl Hitchcock
how are you doing?
i wish to let you know that i have this morning applied to the bank for the release of the funds to you, i have officially submitted all necessary papers to the bank for release of the funds to you and they said that they will be contacting you soon.
Once you hears from the bank, you let me know and i will here to guide you till we receive the funds
My telephone number is 00 228 98 13 97 65
Please write back to me to inform me that you have receiv

Bonz, howd you get on that list:question:

Albert is still wondering where to send the money. LOL

You could be losing out on millions.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.

You should have told him you were coming in on the next flight and you need his address and the address of the bank. Also you didn’t want to give him 50%, he could have 1% as a finders fee.

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