Allowing texts in Movie theaters

When they don’t get too liberal I like to listen to NPR a little and Yesterday they got to talking about allowing young kids to text while in a movie theater. Why on Earth would you pay good money to enjoy a movie, and text?

I rather enjoy the 2 hours that I get away from my phone during a Movie. I know just the occasional jack leg that gets on the phone and the bright screen is a terrible distraction for me, I could only imagine the entire audience was playing on the phone.

The Movie industries take on it was to get more kids to go to the movies. They think they are loosing business because no one want to go a couple of hours with out a phone. They could be right, but no for me. I’ll just wait till a movie comes out on DVD if this happens.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

Did you ever see the movie WALL-E? The folks in the future spent all day staring at their tablets on their reclining chairs - we’re heading that way.

I can’t stand to see the light from someone’s phone shining in a dark theater!


I didn’t read up on it because who cares but I did hear about it on the radio. They will be offering texting and nontexting showings so you can still enjoy your movie with even less of those young whippersnappers bothering you.

Why would you want to text? Because social media. I’m not a fan of it myself as my social media contact is checking facebook about once a month but if you haven’t noticed its a big thing now. Allowing kids to blast out text to all their friends is a marketing experiment, one that will likely go very well for the theater. Though the internet can be very critical, social media generally leans towards promoting ones own coolness which means there would be viewers sending favorable reviews of a movie to all their friends giving the theater free advertisement.

First, Most, Biggest

Because way too many people can’t seem to tear their eyes away from their phones anymore. It isn’t just kids either. I attended a soccer game earlier this week. At least half of the parents spent the better part of the game with their faces stuck in their phones, all while their son’s were playing soccer. I guess I don’t get it.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

I have seen some really killer concerts in the last couple of years, either at the PAC, Gaillard, or Music Hall. There are always some jack wads who are on their phone. Your average concert costs at least 5 times the price of movie admission, and you’re gonna spend it on your phone? I literally want to take the phone, shove it up their A** and then down their throat. Using gloves of course.


If they are going to allow use of phones/texting during a movie, they need to sit those azzhats in the top row in a corner so they can annoy each other.

“I am constantly amazed at the stupidity of the general public.”
~my dad

190cc Sea Pro w/130 Johnson
1- 21 boy that won’t move out)
1 - 17 year old (fishing maniac)
1 - wife (The Warden)


Movie theaters are a private business. They should allow\disallow texts if they want to. And, as a patron, you can vote for or against with your dollar…

Come on can’t go 2 hrs without it, need help, really… I use my phone all the time but I can easily put it away to enjoy a movie, dinner, ect…
I was sitting in parking lot other day while my wife went in to pick up a few things & a lady walked face first into a huge SUV beside me because she was buried in her phone. It was hilarious, I laughed out load & she turned & looked at me & just looked back down at her phone & kept walking to the store staring right into that phone again. I kept watching her to see if she got run over, no luck…

Pay good money to sit in a dark, overcrowded, Petri dish complete with total strangers? No Thanks, I’ll wait till it comes out on VHS or pay per view…

Originally posted by Area 51

Pay good money to sit in a dark, overcrowded, Petri dish complete with total strangers? No Thanks, I’ll wait till it comes out on VHS or pay per view…

Are movies still put out on VHS?

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I don’t know, it was more of a joke…But then again, as I type this, there are some people in some far off third world ****hole strutting around a village in Clemson National Championship gear…I doubt they’ve made the leap to dvd’s, there still could be a market for VHS tapes…

Originally posted by skinneej

Movie theaters are a private business. They should allow\disallow texts if they want to. And, as a patron, you can vote for or against with your dollar…

While I agree with your statement, I’ll assume you don’t go to many movies at the theater? I don’t go often, but when I do pick a movie to go see I want no distractions from lit up phone screens. If it does happen do like Claim stated and put all the addicted people in a top corner away from those that spend hard earned money to enjoy a movie.

Just more chipping away at the self thinking of Americans. I watch close friends and family let a phone overtake the important things in life… like watching their kids grow up, an actually face to face conversation at a dinner table, distraction while driving, and many more examples that we all could come up with. How about a 2 year old tugging at a mom’s leg while she updates her facebook status? Is it really important to let the world know you took a picture of your new shoes while your kid begs for your attention?

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

Originally posted by Area 51

Pay good money to sit in a dark, overcrowded, Petri dish complete with total strangers? No Thanks, I’ll wait till it comes out on VHS or pay per view…

I don’t go often, but some movies just need the big screen Imax 3d experience, and the popcorn aint bad. I’m not germaphobic so no big deal for me. I also try for the early matinees, cheaper and usually not so crowded.

Avatar probably tops my list, then Prometheus, Journey To The Center Of The Earth, forest gump, the polar express, fantasia, … plus a few more my daughter talked me into taking her that I won’t mention… well… hunger games series, the vegetarian vampire series…

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by skinneej

Movie theaters are a private business. They should allow\disallow texts if they want to. And, as a patron, you can vote for or against with your dollar…

While I agree with your statement, I’ll assume you don’t go to many movies at the theater? I don’t go often, but when I do pick a movie to go see I want no distractions from lit up phone screens. If it does happen do like Claim stated and put all the addicted people in a top corner away from those that spend hard earned money to enjoy a movie.

Just more chipping away at the self thinking of Americans. I watch close friends and family let a phone overtake the important things in life… like watching their kids grow up, an actually face to face conversation at a dinner table, distraction while driving, and many more examples that we all could come up with. How about a 2 year old tugging at a mom’s leg while she updates her facebook status? Is it really important to let the world know you took a picture of your new shoes while your kid begs for your attention?

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

Again, complain to the manager of the theatre. Private business = set their own rules. Libs want big government noto me. I don't like phones in a theatre either. I think it's rude and annoying, but I go to theatres that disallow this behavior. Don't need government in everything.
Originally posted by skinneej [
Again, complain to the manager of the theatre. Private business = set their own rules. Libs want big government noto me. I don't like phones in a theatre either. I think it's rude and annoying, but I go to theatres that disallow this behavior. Don't need government in everything. [/quote]

Wow, skinnjee:smiley: No government involvement, just the movie theaters looking to get more young kids to go to the theaters. The Idea was if they let them text and use phones while in the theater, more would go. I’m disagreeing and thinking less business.

What ever it may be, I don’t like phones being used in a theater. I don’t think any have started the practice, but all are looking into it.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

They already changed their minds on the texting

First, Most, Biggest

Originally posted by Fred67

Wow, skinnjee:smiley: No government involvement, just the movie theaters looking to get more young kids to go to the theaters. The Idea was if they let them text and use phones while in the theater, more would go. I’m disagreeing and thinking less business.

What ever it may be, I don’t like phones being used in a theater. I don’t think any have started the practice, but all are looking into it.

For sure. I don't like it either. It's super annoying, but if I was a movie theater, and I did some research that showed me that I could boost ticket sales by X%, then, as a private business trying to make a profit, I would consider it. Sometimes business ventures work out, and sometimes they don't. I actually used to go to the theater quite a bit, but I have a 2 year old now and a 6 month old and when I get a night off, typically it's a nice dinner and a cocktail. So, I can't tell you what the average clientele is at the theater.

That being said, I do not understand the marketing plan. I’ve never heard someone say, “Man, I am not going to the movies because they won’t let me use my phone”… Maybe it’s just a competing theater trying to create some buzz and look like the “cool spot” in town… I have no idea, but, on the surface, it doesn’t sound like a plan with a solid foundation if you ask me… That being said, I recognize that sometimes, “common sense” can sometimes be counter-intuitive and something like this is an easily testable hypothesis.