Aluminum swim platform

I was going to wait a couple months for a new swim platform, but my old ladder broke. My boat is old, so I don’t think world cat is going to sell me a new one. I debating holding off a month or so to get some more use out of the boat before I let someone take it apart.

I’m looking for someone who does excellent aluminum work to make a swim platform for my world cat. Carolina custom rigging has done excellent work for me in the past, but my boat is too tall to get down the road to his shop.

This ladder/platform needs to be able to support big guys with dive gear, so it will need to be extra heavy duty.

I’m in Hollywood/ravanel, so the closer to better.

Do you guys know someone who will be up for the challenge?

Could a fab man use the old one as a pattern. If so call Happy Bob on this forum.

I want to get something new made that is very different from what I have. I can tow a long distance as long as its on state roads, since the load is around 13ft tall. My last boat barely cleared the roads in MT P, and it was 12 ft.

I second Happy Bob…

But if someone close is what you need, there’s a shop behind Parks auto salvage by tractor supply that does some fab work. They’re in that little strip of warehouses that run perpendicular to HWY17, they’re on the building on the right side, before you get to the Ulmers’ shop.

Wadmalaw native
16’ Bentz-Craft Flats Boat

There is a guy who goes by “palmetto trooper” that is on hull truth and scducks that does that kind of work. I don’t know if he is a member here. I have heard great things about him and seen some of his work. I think he is closer to columbia though. Others here may know more about him.

As much as I’d like to help you out, your boat is way too big to fit in my work area (yard). Sorry.

Bob Van Gundy
Marine Designs,Inc.
Custom Aluminum Fabrication

Raymond Martin, Martin Marine Design would probably do it. He’s in Hardeeville though and you won’t get down his road either, but he does travel, make patterns, builds it in his shop, then returns with it and installs it. Can’t get better work than his.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Thanks for the info!
I when I purchased a cat I didn’t expect that the largest hurdle would be trailering it.
I love everything about the boat except loading and towing it. Hopefully it will get easier with experience.