Another late report from 2/29

Mostly the same info… flat ocean, water temps low 60s, lots of BSB. I didn’t leave Wappoo cut until right about 8:00am, heading to some live bottom just past the Chas 60. On the way out, I stopped in the dredge spoil dumping area 6-7 miles south east of the jetties in around 35 feet. As I’m getting ready to move on out deeper, I hear splashing, then I see them… TUNAs!! (The BS chorus can start up at this point, I don’t care, I know what I saw!) They were less that 100 yds away, but further than I could cast a 2oz Jig, and these were at least 50 lb fish, they weren’t huge 3,4,6,8 hunderd pound fish, but they were certainly not 4-10 lb fish either. I saw 4 - 6 fish come completely out of the water on three separate times as they moved, then nothing. It was a sight. I didn’t have any tackle that would handle them, and they were gone as quick as they showed up, but they were there!

and all we had on board was cedar plugs.

we saw them too.

shut the front door!

lol, we got skunked at the southwest banks, but HEY at least we made it there in an hour and fifteen!

p.s. I swear we did see a sailfish jump in about 185 ft of water.