Another range day

We made it to the range New Year’s Day. Had it to ourselves for the first hour or 2.
2 couples and a kid show up maybe 10 years old. They’re not looking too safe.
Few more people show up.
Ceasefires called so they can put out their targets. People go down range.
These couples over there playing with their weapons pointing them down range I tell them put them on the dam n table and leave them alone when people are downrange.
A little while later the little boy goes up to the firing line with a BB pistol.
He shoots. Steps back from the line waving the pistol all over the place flagging everyone. Me being me has to say something to them again. They tell me well it’s just a BB gun. We had a brief discussion and a couple other people also spoke up.
A little time goes by The boy comes back up to the line and shoots again.
He sets his BB gun down on the table and just walked out on a live range.
By this time there’s probably 10 people shooting on the range. Everyone freaks out several people holler cease fire.
I turned to the dad. WTF??
He looks at me and says sorry he didn’t know.
Explain to him that’s no excuse and there’s no do-overs on the range.
Moved over to the rifle range for a little while and called it a day…

People don’t teach their children to know safety.
Its like crossing the road, kids don’t look, just go.
I was taught to look both ways and look again.

Instant fail.

Surrender weapon, restart training at the theoretical level.

Can’t prove you’re responsible with a BB gun, back to square zero. And that’s in private, not on a hot range.

Sometime in the next few weeks we can go to my place. I have my own rules and we don’t have to worry about idiots like that making it unsafe for everyone.

Let me know.

I promise I won’t point my BB gun at you.

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Did ya get a few fish out the pond this fall?

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That’s a nice range.