Any of ya using USAA for Home/Auto

Originally posted by DFreedom

It may suck to be on the opposing end of an accident with them but they are great to have on your side. My concern when I pay for insurance is not how well they treat the other party, but how well they treat me. I’ll say this as well. A good insurance company would go ahead and handle your losses and subrogate the claim against the other company. I know for a fact that USAA does that as they have done it for two family members when they suffered losses by someone else at fault and their insurance companies dragged their feet.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

How well they treat the other company is limited, Been there and got lucky.

Make sure you put liability insurance as high as you can afford, to lose…it’s the cheapest portion.

Long story short, arrived at accident site that my son was involved in, all was well at the time with lady walking around. Things changed alot after that…


No serious injuries thankfully, but daughter has been in physical therapy for muscle strains and spasms since the accident by doctors orders. Once our insurance company determined we were not at fault, and you only have liability on the vehicle, they were done and your own your own…So State Farm says. It was an 0lder car, but is was worth something. Yes the USAA driver was determined to be at fault and was given a ticket, found guilty in traffic court too, we were there. It is beyond me why they have been dragging things out. It may be an issue with the assigned adjustor.

I get no one cares about the other party only how they are handled. OP asked about a company, and I just shared whats happened to us. I am not here to start a fight or anything, just wanted to share what has been happening to us since we are on the receiving end. As your insurance company, they may be wonderful, wish mine would fight so hard on my behalf.

You misread my tone, I was not trying to start a “fight” either, just pointing out what I great company USAA is if you are insured by them. I have to admit that I am surprised to hear they have been unresponsive to you given that their customer was found to be in the wrong. I would recommend going over the adjuster’s head and asking to speak to his/her supervisor. Is your insurance company not willing to step in and assist you?

Long story short, arrived at accident site that my son was involved in, all was well at the time with lady walking around. Things changed alot after that...

I know exactly what you are talking about. A few years ago I went to the scene of an accident my SIL was involved in. It was a low speed, glancing blow (side on side) kind of accident with minimal damage. I had met the trooper working the wreck so I was joking around with her and saying how at least no one was injured. She laughed and said, “just wait, I’ll be calling EMS before we clear the scene”. She was right, 2 ended up leaving the scene in an ambulance, both wearing cervical collars. There was NO WAY either was hurt but that kind of thing seems to be ingrained in some. My SIL was subsequently sued by all 4 occupants of the car, one of which was a 2 year old in a car seat.

Sorry you are having problems getting reimbursed for your losses.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Originally posted by friogatto

Get a discount by having a checking/savings account.

If only they would insure Boats!

That should be a given! Even for a starting out couple. :smiley:

40+ years. Great company.


Pathfinder 23 HPS