Any one know?

I’ve got a couple of friends down in Boca Grande, Tarpon fishing and they said that their guide says, that you can’t remove a Tarpon from the water! Is this true with Tarpon? I know you can’t pull a Jew Fish in!

In FL, you are not supposed to pull a tarpon >40" out of the water unless you are harvesting it with the required tag.

Thanks Rap! Thought it was maybe, the guide just being a little lazy! Never heard about it before:face_with_head_bandage:

Hey, watch that “Jew Fish” stuff while you’re at it!

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Just got back from the keys and we did some Tarpon fishing saw many but no bites. Did catch a Jack though.

The guide we were with did explain this, he said you don’t pull the fish out the water. He said it would be like you running a marathon them someone dunking you under water.

Sorry DF! Don’t want someone to ban me!

What the heck would you do with it? Eat it???

Photo Op!