Think about going offshore wednesday, anyone else going forecast doesn’t look to bad southwest winds 10-15kts seas 2-4ft i guess that is about as good as it is going to get this week.
We’re gonna give it a shot. Weather is holding steady. Won’t be the prettiest day though. We’ll be on 68.
yea, still a go going to try y-73 for dolphin. What size boat you got? I hope the weather holds also don’t feel like getting my knees broking.
We’ll be turning back before you. 19 feet named the First Born. We’ll be fishing the Garden/Y-73 area as well. Good Luck!
Made it out this morning but it was too rough for the mako. Only could make 10-12kts w/ the seas. Didn’t get the boat in water until 6am made it to charleston 60 around 8am and didn’t catch anything. Guess i need to go deeper. I’ll pick my days a little better next time. It was real nice out there from 9 to 11 seas were 1 to 2ft then the wind started to pick up. Hope u had better luck than me.