I am going to be in Hilton Head August 4-11 and would love to take a fishing trip. I would gladly chip in for ice, fuel, bait, etc…
I just want to catch fish. They don’t have to be monsters. Just fish. I also want to keep a few to eat.
I have become fascinated with SCUBA. I would also love to go out with someone who is going to do a dive. No, I don’t mean that I want to try and dive. I would just like to watch.
I got an offer for a ride out of Charleston the last time I made one of these posts, but my cell phone did not get the phone number recorded. Mapquest says that Charleston is 2 hours from Hilton Head. I really would prefer to not have to drive that far.
Any offers?
I really would like to have tentative plans before we get to Hilton Head (but I am still very much open to last minute offers). You can post on here, or email me directly at rth169@western.dss.state.va.us
My cell phone number is 423-502-2800