anyone going out this week?

I ended up staying on iop for an extra week for the heck of it. Is anyone going out this week (4/1-4/5) and has a spot on their boat? Kinda wished I would have hauled mine down here but hind sight is always 20/20. So if anyone is going out let me know, willing to drive to meet up…

guess not. maybe i should add im a 30 year old white male. im down here with my fiance and staying at her mothers house on IOP. I guess I wouldnt have someone on my boat or with me if I didnt know anything about them. If no one is willing, no biggie. I will have my boat down here in Oct for my wedding. Just thought I’d ask.

Congradulations on you upcomming wedding! She must be one hell of a fine woman if she lets you bring you boat on your honymoon! Good luck hang on to her ther arnt many like her out ther. Ive ben married for 43 yrs but she finly came around and even bought me a Int.50 for my 50th birthday. She threw me out the Bay I bought my Bertram, I only had 7 boats then. Last month she bought me a new 250 Etec