Anyone have experience with the Mantis X?

Keep hearing about it on the Clay and Buck Show…I see they have several models.

This could a nice 2’fer for the Son and DIL for Christmas. Hey, could be a 3’fer, lol.

Lines are open, and Thanks


Not here…
But I googled it. Looks interesting…

Well my phone’s getting blowed up by advertisements now since I googled the Mantis x…

Just looked over reviews, looks promising. I’ve found a laser sight has been one of my best target acquisition tools. I’ve had a few swear on how steady handed they are. Give em a pistol and get them to hold it on bulleye @ 20 yards and watch just how steady they really are. It can be an eye opener. Because of the obvious ammo shortage and prices I don’t shoot near as much as I used to, but there is no better way to improve your shooting over doing it often.

I’ve got a s&w 1911 with with a crimson trace hand grip. #ell at 10 or 15 yards you’d think I had Parkinson’s disease.
I’ve got a rather inexpensive dry fire laser target. The target’s about the diameter of a beer can with a dime size bullseye. It don’t track your shots it just lights up if you hit the bullseye. And it came with the laser for 40 and 9 mm. Think the wife gave less than $100 for it.
But after reading all the advertisements of the Mantis x maybe Santa Claus is going to bring me one.
It even gives you time from the time you grip the pistol till you fire it. Your draw time

Yep! the shake can not be hidden with the laser sight. I’ve got a Crimson trace hand grip on my Ruger MarkIII. I love it.

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I would love to go to one of these classes.

WOW, just watched that and will share with several.

Always enjoy watching Colions vids…Best yet!


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Hilarious… what a dumbass.
You can’t fix stupid.
Well I guess you can with a little bit of lead.

Oooops, wrong thread?!

Coco hates squirrels. She also has an extreme dislike for cats

She’s getting ready to go blitzkrieg/tactical!?!
Our other Border Collie, Ziggy, knows German. He uses that language to intimidate the bad cats during interrogation.

I remember when ammo for that M1 carbine was dirt cheap. Something about the metallic action sound of that rifle has always thrilled me.

Spoiler Alert! One of the pictured firearms (top one) is actually a Umarex BB Gun.

Hey Fred. Back in the '90’s going into maybe 10 years ago the M2 Ball ammo for the M1 Garand and
the M1 .30 Carbine were pretty cheap. The old saying was buy it cheap and stack it deep. Now 30-06 M2 Ball ammo is about .75 a round if you’re lucky and 30. cal. Carbine must be more than $ 22.00 a 50rd box. I haven’t shopped in a few years so it might be worse. Good for target practice which I need to do badly.

Relevant calibers to first picture: top, 2nd row left to right and bottom:
.177 BB, 7.63 Mauser, 9mm, 9mm and bottom 8mm Mauser

My grandson got my flak jacket and helmet. I also gave him Dad’s Helmet and canteen / mess set.

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The M1 Carbine is a hoot to shoot. The M1 Garand is a lot of fun too, weight(10lbs loaded) and gas system minimizes the recoil a bunch. If your ears aren’t ringing too much you do kinda hear the enbloc clip ping with the eighth round. Used to have some good deals through the Civilian Marksmanship Program but stocks of USGI and MAP M1’s seem to be drying up. I think the CMP may still be offering up opportunities to purchase USGI 1911A1’s.

It arrived. Christmas gift…for Son and Dil…and maybe me, lol.