Anyone made Tannerite


Yes, very big boom. Stand back further than you think. All the internet sites say to grind up the fertilizer, we found it doesn’t make a difference and actually makes it harder to go boom.

ED, how did you do the final mixing:question:

Oh boy

Yeah Pod, we need us a big batch of that stuff, just to keep on hand[:0]

Add some flour!

Can’t just grind up fertilizer ed!

Easy, I have been permanently banned from it by my wife, a couple of neighbors and my Mom. 10lb and a hole cut in a stump will blow it to heck and cause everyone in a couple mile radius to ask questions.

I’ll see if I can find the video from where we did it. 200 yards away really not safe enough.

It is some awesome stuff! To do it yourself you need some very fine aluminum powder and ammonium nitrate. I think in the 32-33% range. Like the old bull dog soda of days gone past.

You can buy it perfectly legal on line and much cheaper than the small batches in gun stores. got to have a round that is 2,000 feet per second or faster. We got a .17hmr to work, but not a .22 magnum? .270 works great. Faster and larger the better.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

I made black powder from scratch when I was a kid. You can blow some big holes in the back yard, with that stuff and it makes a pretty big cloud of white smoke, I maybe can see, if you added flour to the Tannerite, you would got a bigger cloud:question:

Originally posted by Easy

I made black powder from scratch when I was a kid. You can blow some big holes in the back yard, with that stuff and it makes a pretty big cloud of white smoke, I maybe can see, if you added flour to the Tannerite, you would got a bigger cloud:question:

only thing I’ve seen with adding flour was doing colored stuff… Blue for a boy and pink for a girl. google it easy. :smiley:

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

I’m thinking, adding flour would make the formula hard to figure out and throw it off:question:

Flour will burn and create a huge fireball. And burn up your yard. Ha

A cup or two of diesel fuel set near it is fun too…the concussion will ignite the fuel…

Are you trying to make your own from scratch? If so, in my experience, it wasn’t cost efficient. It was cheaper to buy 50 lbs or so online, I believe eBay became the cheapest place, and free shipping too.

$150 for 50 pounds shipped…hard to beat that I think.

And I’m with the others…take the safe distance you think is good, and double it.

Wadmalaw native
16’ Bentz-Craft Flats Boat

I have reported Peapod to the BATF for expressing his exuberance at this thread.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Originally posted by Fred67

Can’t just grind up fertilizer ed!

Uh yes you can. Ammonium Nitrate is very stable. Throw it in a blender if you have the ability to compress it down tight enough after mixing. Hell Ammonium Nitrate mixed with Aluminum powder (IE tannerite) is very stable, if you really think about how hard you have to hit it to go off.

Originally posted by leadenwahboy

A cup or two of diesel fuel set near it is fun too…the concussion will ignite the fuel…

Are you trying to make your own from scratch? If so, in my experience, it wasn’t cost efficient. It was cheaper to buy 50 lbs or so online, I believe eBay became the cheapest place, and free shipping too.

$150 for 50 pounds shipped…hard to beat that I think.

And I’m with the others…take the safe distance you think is good, and double it.

Wadmalaw native
16’ Bentz-Craft Flats Boat

Made ours homemade, bought stuff on Amazon. I bet you could get a really good deal on the fertilizer from an actual farm supply store.

I think this is for all big explosions, it sounds weird but it’s way louder than you think it is. We did 5 lbs out in what I would consider the country. No houses for several hundred yards. It apparently blew people’s pictures off their walls. No bueno.

There’s some cool videos on youtube of people doing 100+ lbs from very far away. I would love to see that in person.

Here is what not to do with it…

'06 Mckee Craft
184 Marathon
DF140 Suzuki

As said above…get some fine aluminum powder and some ammonium nitrate fert…cheap and easy. Buddy brought some that we mixed up at our farm. Target go boom.

Not sure of proportion, but we were using scales to measure the powder with.

How much tannerite would I need to take out a herd of 100 walkers?

Not to much, if you put it in a suicide belt and were in the middle of the crowd! Of course, you would then have to shoot yourself also[:0]

Originally posted by Easy

Not to much, if you put it in a suicide belt and were in the middle of the crowd! Of course, you would then have to shoot yourself also[:0]

What is "Plan B"?