Anyone Recreational Shrimp Trawl??

I have a 21ft Carolina Skiff and looking into doing some recreational shrimp trawling. Anyone have any advice as far as net size, style, etc. it would be much appreciated! I’d also love to learn the ropes from someone already out there doing it and can trade some elbow grease for some knowledge.

Just wanted to clarify I know shrimp trawling recreationally falls under commercial and all license and permits apply!

Went to Hunting Island yesterday out side skull inlet had 115 pounds of row shrimp they where in the breakers the big boats stayed off about a mile first drag had only 15 pounds i was working about a hundred yards off the beach on the first drag.Had some friends go around Bullsbay they did about the same

Thanks for the reply sand monkey, any recommendations on what would be a good size net starting out?

Depends on what you are pulling it with I have an old 20 foot mako with a 150 yamaha 4 stroke pulling a 38 foot Spectra net its more costly than a normal net pulls a little easier you need to pull around 2.5 knots and use the floating doors makes it easier when you pull in they will come to the top you. just cant drag in water much more than 20 feet.Try not to be in much current from inlets it can cause the doors to flip and twist it makes a heck of a mess,

I have a 23 with a 250 and handles a 30’ with big heavy doors well in the sound down to 35’. Have a buddy with a 21 Caro skiff with a 115 4 stroke who pulls a 25 with heavy doors with no problem till it fills up with rays, then goes backwards! Lots of learning to do a good pull! The new permits start July !. Call Buford net and get going, good people will build you what you need.

I figured I can expect to get plenty of rays struck in the nets!

Mine has TED doent catch many rays and helps with jelly balls.Do the smaller nets require TEDS and fish eyes not sure about the size or the net when you have to have them.

I think the law reads as long as you don’t us any macanical device to pull in net and don’t drag for over an hr. you don’t need TED. We deploy the net out the bow and back up till the doors deploy and then spin the boat around. Use and anchor and float to unhook the net and run to the float on the bag and pull from that end, empty bag then go to the other float and anchor and hook up again and start the drag for 55 min. Some times good and some time not! Have had 7 basket day!

Ye two years ago pt was jam up we were getting 550 pound tows sneaking up off Myrtle Beach nothing like seeing hoppers behind the boat.Last year we got permits to go there it wasnt great all the fresh water kept them offshore there are just alot of hangs waiting for Sept 15 they are going to open Horry C

Computer screw up Horry County hoping for a good fall.

Tell me more about floating doors.

Dwight Frierson

They are pretty much like the others the bottom iron is not as heavy when you set out they will let the front top stick up a little out of the water once all your tow line is out the pressure will start spreading the net then they will dive to the bottom kind of like a side planer the chain lengths are very important for them to pull right.The part i like is if you get a small hang when you take the boat out of gear and put slack in your tow lines alot of times when they start to float up it will come loose not tearing the net.The bad you cant drag in much more than 20 feet of water