
Should they be required to help the FBI unlocking the IPhone of San Bernardino terrorist Syed Farook?


With the proper warrants and legal process. Yes, apple is not above the law. Without those and because big bother told you that you should, no.

If the ability to unlock the phone already existed, yes.

The fact is that they have to create a product to unlock it. I see Apple’s point, but if I were in charge, it would have been done one day one. No questions.

If I get murdered in the city, don’t go revenging in my name…

I think they should unlock this phone, but not have to share their technology with the government. It sounds to me that not only does the govt. want them to unlock this phone, but they want the ability to unlock one anytime they want. Maybe I am not understanding it, but it seems they want access to their code and once the government has it anyone can get it because we know they are terrible when it comes to cyber security.

govt give phone to Apple…Apple unlock phone and hand back to govt…no secrets shared…am I missing something?

The Morris Island Lighthouse

Originally posted by Bonzo72

govt give phone to Apple…Apple unlock phone and hand back to govt…no secrets shared…am I missing something?

The Morris Island Lighthouse

Don’t go trying to apply common sense to this. Yes this is what should happen. I think the govt. is demanding the code instead.

Absolutely not. Every security expert in the field says that the NSA could crack this iPhone. The FBI wants the legal precedence so they can unlock the hoards of other phones they’ve confiscated involved in lesser crimes.

What you’re missing is the software itself is not crackable. Apple would have to write a backdoor into it’s own OS. There’s potential for it to be stolen, confiscated by the govt, etc. It’s Pandora’s box.

Originally posted by Edistodaniel

Absolutely not. Every security expert in the field says that the NSA could crack this iPhone. The FBI wants the legal precedence so they can unlock the hoards of other phones they’ve confiscated involved in lesser crimes.

What you’re missing is the software itself is not crackable. Apple would have to write a backdoor into it’s own OS. There’s potential for it to be stolen, confiscated by the govt, etc. It’s Pandora’s box.

This is the essence of Apple’s argument.

They also point out that Congress has considered making these back doors a legal requirement and chosen not to. So the FBI going to court and trying to get it ordered anyway is another case of trying to get laws and precedents accomplished through the courts where the legislative process has denied it.

“Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!" - The Messiah

From what I understand they would have to write code in order to get into the phone. I dont feel they should have to do that. If they write code where there is a back door, then someone else other than apple can find it and use it.

“Those who have the ability to make a difference have the responsibility to do so.” Thomas Jefferson

If you believe for an instant that every company doesn’t have a backdoor… Steve (yes he really was a slime ball) Jobs even said in his book that they have every single means to control any ad all of “their” equipment that they let they customers “use”.

A backdoor for the government is a backdoor for a hacker… It’s like saying, everyone needs to have a doggie door installed in your home so that the government can crawl in whenever they need to.

There is a reason why Google and Microsoft also teamed up to back up Apple…

From reading other articles on the Internet (everything on the Internet is true) my understanding is that the iMessage (apple’s special text message) is even harder for the NSA to crack as well. They may be using this program as an excuse for that as well.

Originally posted by ReelShock

If you believe for an instant that every company doesn’t have a backdoor… Steve (yes he really was a slime ball) Jobs even said in his book that they have every single means to control any ad all of “their” equipment that they let they customers “use”.

There was, but during all the debacle of Apple's security issues a couple years ago they essentially threw away the key. Basically, Jennifer Lawrence's boobs caused this.

Looks like they didn’t need AAPL’s help after all.

If I get murdered in the city, don’t go revenging in my name…