APRIL 26th, Grand Strand Saltwater 22nd Annual Live Release Flounder Tournament


On April 26 2025, the Grand Strand Saltwater Anglers Association will be hosting it’s 22nd Annual Live-Release Flounder Tournament in Murrells Inlet, with 6pm Captains meeting at the Beaver Bar, Murrells Inlet. Early bird entries must be postmarked before Wednesday April 16, 2025 for discounted entry fee.

Our Tournament is a well attended, well advertised event and is the first large scale fishing tournament of the year in Murrells Inlet, SC. Many anglers and their families consider this the official start of spring and we are hoping you would like to take part in this great event. The largest flounder caught and released alive takes home first prize of $2,000.00. The tournament has a total of over $5,000.00 in prizes and that does not include the basket raffles.

Conservation of the marine environment is our passion. The proceeds from this event help us continue our support of the SCDNR Reef Program which has so far received over $85,000 in donations from GSSAA and proceeds also help us to contribute for 14 years to the Coastal Carolina University Scholarship fund for Marine Science students and other charitable contributions.

Our web site has additional information with time/date of captain’s meeting, prizes, rules and a downloadable Early Bird entry form, go to our website, https://grandstrandsaltwateranglers.org/**
Email: info.grandstrandsa@gmail.com

Hope to see you there.


Can confirm, this is a VERY well run event! I fished it last year and will again this year. The top 3 trophies are Release Over 20 trophies, which is a huge honor.

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