I’m thinking this foul antient creature may be the next fire ant epidemic to our state along with coyotes and feral hogs. I remember roughly 20 years ago seeing a few dead on I95 towards the Ridgeland area and from there slowly seeing them make it past the ACE basin to today’s current numbers all over Colleton County. Since April we have killed 62 and our neighbor has killed 78 since the first of this year. I’ve heard they will root around in fire ant nest and eat the eggs, but I’ve yet to witness this. What I know is they do love eggs when they can find them and this is the best bait in a trap … other than a simple box style trap designed just for them that they will simply walk into… Just can’t kill them in the trap because others will not go back in it…
So far my pooches haven’t broken a tooth, but I know of several others that have dogs that have destroyed their teeth on them. My boy has killed 8 in the last month… Edit… The two girls help as well…
Why Bruce?.. the ramblings of a disillusioned Hillary supporter.
Originally posted by poly ball
I believe Fred could witness trump pissing on an old homeless lady, and he’d tell him he’s doing a hell of a job, really soaking her.
Why Bruce?.. the ramblings of a disillusioned Hillary supporter.
quote:Originally posted by poly ball
I believe Fred could witness trump pissing on an old homeless lady, and he’d tell him he’s doing a hell of a job, really soaking her.
Those are some pretty dogs with their thick winter coats.If I was worried about their teeth ,I would have called them off and shot that thing instead of letting them chew on it.haha You are right,the armadillos are getting pretty bad,you can order a trap off the internet that has armadillo smell in it.No bait required
I drive all over the state and have seen them as far north as Laurens County. We see scat in our backyard but I have yet to see an actual armadillo. They are invasive and should be (like coyotes) eradicated.
"Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It's Hand", but really, who cares?
I did call off (had to take it away from them and bury it) the pic was just after he pulled it out the hole. On the traps I wondered why they would just go in them. I didn’t realize they came with a scent to attract. All it is is a wooden box open on both ends with a trip in the middle. Instructions said not to dispatch them in trap. Guess that would ruin scent? They have been wrecking havoc on Cherokees golf course, they put an egg in a live trap and says it works.