Ashley River Bridge Bike Lane


I think it will be a mess but it will be forced down our throats. All for a hand full of bikes every day. I keep reading in the P&C about how bike friendly Charleston is. They must be smokin something. Narrow streets are not bike friendly. I’m not against bikers, in fact, I think its all around great. I just don’t think you screw up an already busy, congested area for the benefit of a few.

I will support bike riders and bike lanes, but not until they legally have to get a license, obtain insurance ,and pay taxes.

The idiots that ride Rifle Range are waiting to get mashed. 10,000lb motorized vehicles and bikes don’t mix well.

There is a way to make every body happy but the officials aren’t smart enough to figure it out. Sure it would cost more money compaired to putting a barrier between the lanes but it would be better in the long run.

16’ Bonito 65 Johnson