ATF Guidance On Who Needs An FFL To Selll A Firear

Key takeaway for most of us- As a general rule, you will need a license if you repetitively buy and
sell firearms with the principal motive of making a profit. In contrast,
if you only make occasional sales of firearms from your personal
collection, you do not need to be licensed.

Repetitively? They cannot redefine what the law says “engaged in the business” means, but the note on this does not quantify how many you sell would require a license.

Today, as it’s written, if you are “engaged in the business” you need a license. Engaged in the business means you’re doing it for a livelihood or for profit. What they’re trying to say is if you sell a gun period, you are engaged in the business. It won’t hold up.

The law as of now is as such, if you buy and sell a lot of guns (could be 10, could be 100), you are “engaged in the business.” But one could argue that selling a gun for $500 and buying another for $500 is not “for profit,” so could be argued that way in court.

If this goes through, what will happen is I will “give” you my gun, and OH LOOK, $500 on the floor!!!

Wadmalaw native
16’ Bentz-Craft Flats Boat

Buy my holster for $500 and I’ll give you the gun.

This is an end run attempt to eliminate private gun sales, plain and simple.

Did anyone else notice the Bummer’s EO adds ONE BILLION DOLLARS in spending and more that 430 new government employees

Boat drinks, Waitress I need 2 more boat drinks!

Originally posted by Too Busy

This is an end run attempt to eliminate private gun sales, plain and simple.

Did anyone else notice the Bummer’s EO adds ONE BILLION DOLLARS in spending and more that 430 new government employees

Boat drinks, Waitress I need 2 more boat drinks!

Of course! We all know more government infrastructure and inept employees being paid more than they’re worth makes everything better!

Wadmalaw native
16’ Bentz-Craft Flats Boat

God help us if we get another Democrat come November.

I believe this election is the tipping point for America

Boat drinks, Waitress I need 2 more boat drinks!

I was actually kind of hoping there would be some firm clarity on this. Like “if you have a total of more than 50 firearms transactions per year, you need an FFL”. As written, it’s too vague.

“You have the right to the pursuit of happiness. You do not have a guarantee that you shall have it.”

Originally posted by Native_Son

I was actually kind of hoping there would be some firm clarity on this. Like “if you have a total of more than 50 firearms transactions per year, you need an FFL”. As written, it’s too vague.</font id=“red”>

“You have the right to the pursuit of happiness. You do not have a guarantee that you shall have it.”


Wadmalaw native
16’ Bentz-Craft Flats Boat

Vague favors future attempts at overreach. It’ll be up to the individual to fight back… Time and money, so sooner of later the left will win

Boat drinks, Waitress I need 2 more boat drinks!