Austrailian Sheppard Mix

A friend of mine’s granddaughter has an 11 month old Australian Sheppard Mix puppy she can no longer keep. She asked me to see if there was anyone I knew that may want to adopt him.

This is all the information she sent me:

11 months old

Potty trained

Great with kids and other dogs, small and large

Walks with a leash

Knows “come here”, “stay” and “stay with me” also He comes to his name (Maverick)


Pathfinder 23 HPS

Wish I could help you out,I have 3 dogs now.
My neighbor has 2 females of the same breed that she is trying to get rid of,they are the sisters to two of my dogs.

Double D.

Good looking dog, great eyes :sunglasses: Lot of smarts in that dog. Wish my wife would let me have him.

Capt. Larry Teuton
lteuton at aol dot com

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

From the neck down it looks a lot like a Golden Retriever. I’d take it if I lived closer.

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.