Automated Radio Check

This may or may not be news, but I just found out about it today:

SeaTow’s automated radio check is now operational in the Charleston, SC area. Transmit a radio check request on channel 27 and it will be repeated back to you. Your voice just as others will hear it. Pretty cool and gets rid of (we would hope) all the “radio check” requests on channel 16.

We’ve had it up and running for a couple of months…hope you enjoy it and pass the word around

Mike Crouch
Sea Tow Charleston
Sea School Charleston

Way Cool


I used it a couple of weeks ago, pretty cool.

May be a stupid question,but how do you know how far you are sending and receiving? I will try mine from the house in the morning.

You can’t catch fish on a dry line

The automated radio check base radio is on the short tower (58’) on Daniel island…Live radio checks are done on the high site antenna (286’) downtown chas

Mike Crouch
Sea Tow Charleston
Sea School Charleston

Hey Mike, quick question related to this topic. I know that VHF is line of site, and I know that there are many many many factors (including weather, seas, equipment, wattage, curvature of the earth to name a few) that detemine ones range; but, if I were operating a center console with antenna mounted on t-top, roughly speaking how far offshore could I be and still be picked up on your tall tower downtown?

I have spoken with Mike on my 20’cc from near the ledge with an 8’ 6db antenna mounted to my T-top clear as day… also they can link towers togeather get better reception depending on how far north or south of charleston…

“The Wet Dream”
20’ Pioneer 197
150hp Suzuki 4-Stroke