Awesome Sequel or Total Trainwreck?

Nearly 30 years after The Goonies made a mark on the childhood of millions for decades after its release, a sequel seems like it might just be on the way, according to the director of the original film, Richard Donner. Of course, given the immense popularity and longevity of The Goonies, a sequel has been a possibility for some time, but only now, with interest expressed from the original cast, like Sean Astin, Josh Brolin, and Corey Feldman, does a Goonies 2 seem more likely.

In addition to casting, none other than Steven Spielberg, also according to Donner, came up with the sequel?s story. Spielberg wrote the story for the original film, and his participation might therefore be reassuring to Goonies purists. Goonies 2 would take appropriately take place 30 years after the events of the first film and would feature the children of Mikey, Brand, and the rest of the gang.

Let?s hope The Goonies 2 sequel gets made the right way and doesn?t relegate the name to being just a long-forgotten video game title.

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire

What are the goonies?

23sailfish… you mid 40’s?

I’d love to see a good sequel to the Goonies. I watched it with my daughter a couple of months ago. Times sure have changed.

Ain’t the little Asian kid the same one that is now in the Hangover movies:smiley: :smiley:

Originally posted by Easy

Ain’t the little Asian kid the same one that is now in the Hangover movies:smiley: :smiley:

That’s Ken Jeong.

Here is a funny video;

Knowing Hollywood’s track record the sequel would be a total trainwreck of over-the-top CGI, splosions and jiggly boobs.

“Negative. I’m a meat popsicle!”

I’ve seen the Goonies about a hundred times and if it came on today I would still watch it.

Unfortunately, in my opinion, Hollywood hasn’t had a decent “original” thought in years. How many Godzilla remakes are they going to do? Every comic book, 30 Batman movies…I generally will not give that industry or the theaters my money. It wouldn’t surprise me to see a total train wreck with this one. However, I think most would agree that S.S. is a great director, so I guess it could go either way.


Originally posted by Fred67

23sailfish… you mid 40’s?

I’d love to see a good sequel to the Goonies. I watched it with my daughter a couple of months ago. Times sure have changed.


Redfish Baron Extraordinaire

“HEY YOU GUY’S!” I loved that movie when I was a kid.:smiley:

Key West 1720 115 HP Johnson Saltwater.

I watched it with my 4 year old daughter a couple weeks ago and told her all about how I loved that movie when i was a kid. She looked at me several times during the movie and asked me what was so good about it… I guess times sure have changed a whole lot since then.

I hope they don’t screw it up, but I’ll wait on it to come out on DVD.

'06 Mckee Craft
184 Marathon
DF140 Suzuki

I’m gonna wait on Bonzo to weigh in. he’s my go to on all things gay and metro in the pop culture

Originally posted by PeaPod

I’m gonna wait on Bonzo to weigh in. he’s my go to on all things gay and metro in the pop culture

Sloth loves Chunk!

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire

A year later and nothing so far…sad.

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire

I’m waiting for the sequel to Super Troopers. Meow!

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.

Originally posted by DFreedom

I’m waiting for the sequel to Super Troopers. Meow!

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.

That I want to see!

-Albemarle 248xf “Chella”
-Dolphin 18BC Pro
-HT Bugbuster

The Interview was pretty (**() funny. They hate us cause they anus…ha ha…