Bass with spawn attached to side

Fishing in a small pond with 4 in. plastic lizards. Catching a few now and then. Something unusual happened. While pulling in a bass another bass followed it in. Prior to releasing the fish I noticed red like jelly on the side of the fish in addition to about a quarter size round red area where the skin had been apparently rubbed off. Is bass spawn red, would they get a red scare from cleaning off there bed, and was that a male caught in the act that followed here in. Appreciate comments, thoughts

Cm when bass are spawning they will rub against trees stumps brush or rocks when they are just about to lay eggs they get pretty beat up sometimes with out seeing the fish i would guess it was a sore from them rubing.

Yeah, that fish was just beat up from fanning the bed. You probably caught the female and the male followed her to the bank. The male is very protective.

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