Bay Reef 210 - t top or no

I am looking at buying a Bay Reef 210 in the next few months and looking at opinions on whether to get a t top or not. Will be doing a mix of lake fishing (80%) and inshore (20%).
If I go with no top, it will fit into my building without issue. T top will require outdoor storage until I can build something.
For those that have a t top, why is it a must have? Thanks for your input

I have the 230BR with a T top. Would not consider it a must have. Have/had other, slightly smaller boats without the top. Shade at the helm is probably the best benefit for me and it is a big deal in hot weather. Good to hang on to for passengers. Radio is mounted in the top, stores PFD’s, etc.

No bueno for flyfishing, rod breaker.

If I was using spinning or conventional tackle, I would choose - did choose - to have a top. Don’t think I would build a garage just to have it.

Shade is your friend. You won’t regret it.

Also, welcome back… 9 years dang :laughing:

Have you considered a fold down type T top?

I was in the same situation and went without the t top due to height restraints on my shed.

I’ve seen some nice ones I’m considering.

Boat T-Tops - Universal T-Top Accessories | Fishmaster

Bimini, cheaper,removable, lighter, can fish pretty good when it’s stored, not so much in use. I only used a top in July and August, and stored it the rest of the year.