Beached boat

Saw this coming in from the jetties yesterday around 2pm. How does this happen? Not paying attention to depth? Yesterday was my first trip in my own boat and i kept an eye on the depth or didnt run in spots i didn’t see other boats running. Hope everyone was ok, imagine thats a pretty sudden stop


To the novice, its hard to tell the difference between 10" of water and 10’ of water.

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Finders keepers

Losers weepers?

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Reminds me of a trip a couple of years ago. Kool, and I were cruising around the Harbor, when a big CC shoots left out of Shem Creek, near the sunken Trawler, and across Crab Bank, at WOT.

She looks at me and asks if he knows what he’s doing?

I replied, I’m not sure, but if he cracks the throttle now, he’s a stuck sumbich…

Last we saw of them they were tearing through the no wake zone at the ICW.
:open_mouth: :joy:

And, welcome to the site @bjsmith919!!

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Hopefully it was a look at me douche and not a regular joe
Keep the pics coming bj

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To be honest, I’ve been running these waters by myself since I was 15 skipping school and “borrowing” dads boat and I’ve ended up like that twice in my older years. Only once bad enough i actually had to wait on the tide but it does happen. And no, alcohol wasn’t involved. there is a sand bar by castle pickney I had no idea about until 4 years ago navigating in the fog. luckily tide was coming in. Happens to the best of us from time to time. you should see the folly river on a busy weekend. LOL there is a sand bar in the middle of the river coming in from the morris island side that gets a lot of people. the Harbor has a few too. i got stuck close to the jetties after catching bait around fort sumter. It’s a crazy spot right in the middle. The longer you boat, the more shallow spots you’ll find.
Welcome to the site.


There are 2 types of boaters, those that have hit a sand bar, and those that haven’t hit a sand bar yet.

Probably as about as accurate as EF’s 5 types of fishermans tho or so I’m tole

Anyway, welcome aboard the forum.


If you don’t know, go slow. It is not hard to run aground, especially if you are in unfamiliar waters.