Been a couple years, but put in a garden this year

Took couple years off but really loved those fresh veggies!

Last time I only planted tomatoes and squash. The Aphids (first time ever) destroyed my tomatoes…****!

Sooo, planted mators, squash, cukes, Okra, eggplant and corn, with 4 different types of peppers.

I soaked my Okra seeds for the first time and put in small cups (56) as I can till and immediately get the jump on any weeds that like to choke em out.

As for corn, my go to feed and seed didn’t have Silver Queen, but had Silver King that they swore to as just as good or better…

Anyone ever grown the Silver King?? First time I’ve heard of it.

Thanks and hope no aphids this year.


You can’t beat fresh veggies from the garden. But as a kid we had a huge garden.And I had to work the garden all the time and hated it. And help put up stuff for the freezer and canning. Sore when I grew up I would never pull a weeds shell a pee or snap a bean. I don’t even grow a tomato in a pot.
I wish you luck and hope to critters stay out of your garden.

I am fragile. Not like a flower. But like a bomb.

We had some old lumber from a torn down playhouse just sitting around. I told the kids to put it on the street a couple of weeks ago. I came home to find they had made three above ground gardens and they along with my wife had planted peppers, squash onions and some herbs. Man, the things kids will do when they are bored. Looking forward to some fresh squash if the deer don’t eat them.

Post some pics when your harvest comes in.

"Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It's Hand", but really, who cares?

We have a veggie garden every year. Some years are better than others for quality and quantity. This year we’ve been harvested three types of lettuce for about a month. Then just this week, started harvested sugar snap peas. Nothing better that fresh sugar snap peas right off the vine! Peppers, tomatoes, zucchini, squash all have been in for about three weeks. The best part of the year is when the first tomato is ready for picking!!!
Good luck with yours!!

I switched to silver King several years ago. Get a bit bigger ear and actually just a tad sweeter than the queen.

I love a good garden!! My tators are up, did purple, red, russet, and golden. Squash (straight, zucchini, and butternut) up, did some Dixie lee peas, roma flats, watermelons up, okra up, onions, cucumbers, dill, and corn up. Not sure my corn will take another soaking like we are about to get. Pretty yellow right now. We’ll see. :smiley:

Soaking your okra seeds is a big speed up on getting them out the ground quicker. I plant Clemson spineless. Have had problems with fire ants eating the buds.

Got a baby pineapple on one plant and the wife has some nice tomatoes in pots on the porch. I gave up on planting them in the garden.

Iv’e always put my okra seed in the freezer for a day before planting, has always worked well for me. Now if I can keep those koons, deer and hogs out i’ll be happy. Just put up chicken wire on the bottom 2’ and 3 strands of electric up to 6’. Good luck and pray the LORD blesses us with some rain this spring!

Glad to hear that NN,put some sevin dust on everything,that should stop the bugs. I’ve had deer eat just about everything but squash.The secret to a great garden is to get out there every evening for a little while.You can’t do it all on the weekend.

That’s a new one on me. Live and learn, is that an old time thing?

No hogs but plenty of deer and We’ve lost about 6 acres of round up ready corn to geese. One of the vegetable gardens has 2" x4" fence and the other just a couple of strands of electric. have had deer pull it all down. No worries on early spring rain. we are just a tad over an inch since this morning.

ON the goose issue, those things have gone ape crap crazy in numbers over the last decade. Counted 220 + in one of the hayfields last week.

Corn is the single most hybridized vegetable in the world. I used to plant sweet corn and I did a TON of research on the many, many, many different varieties. Corn is a very personal thing to many folks as there tends to be a fine line between taste and texture preferences. Everyone has different ideas about what’s the best sweet corn variety and believe me, there are tons of them out there and people will argue about it. Some folks want a firmer texture, some want sugar sweetness, some want both. Most all sweet corn falls into 1 of 3 types: SU - normal sweetness, SE - sugar enhanced, Sh2 - supersweet (the sweetest). All that being said, I prefer the taste and texture of bi-colored Ambrosia (SE) or Mirai (Sh2). I just think that bi-colored looks cool.

Silver King is an SE hybrid.

For anyone looking to plant sweet corn for the 1st time, corn self-pollinates, so plant at least 4 rows. If space is limited, it’s better to plant a small block than 1 or 2 long(er) rows.

-The size of a fish is directly proportional to the time between when it's lost and the story is told. - Me -What's the best eating fish, you ask? I've found that for a lot people, its the ones that they happen to be able to catch, clean, and cook. - My Dad (1/13/37 - 9/27/16 I love you Pops) -Until you have loved a dog, part of your soul remains unawakened. Anatole France (paraphrased) -RIP my "Puppy Dog" 10/15/2004 - 1/14/2013. I'll never forget him. What a special friend he was. -Team Gonna Fish

We sell roasted corn at a festival once per year. Our go-to is silver king. It is a consistently bigger ear (than sq) but I prefer the smaller ears with smaller kernals. Bigger kernals = a bit more tough. It is all good tho.

At the festival everybody wants to get their money worth so bigger is better out there.

It ain't no mystery...this beer's history!

To many to reply to, but good read, info.

Bowhunter sure educated me on the corn. WOW, and Thank you, sir!

About to drive a couple aluminum tubes in the garden to support a 5x10’ section of a dog kennel I no longer use for the cukes to climb.

Edit to say, Fred, time to eat some Geese:+1:. Also, I planted the corn with the rain forecasted for yesterday, but dang, that was like 50 degree rain. Not good for germination I’m guessing.?.?


We had a small project several years ago in North Myrtle Beach. I believe the property was called The lakes. They had a bad goose problem. DNR come in and rounded them up.

I am fragile. Not like a flower. But like a bomb.

NN, I try to share some of what I’ve learned about sweet corn and am more than willing to do so. As I said, I’ve done a ton of research on sweet corn and I learned LONG ago not to debate which is the best tasting variety because it’s so personal. Everyone who grew up eating home grown sweet corn, just as I did, has their own personal memories of just how good it was and it was the best, regardless. I’ve planted a few different varieties, but there’s no way that I could even begin to try them all. The best that I can do is relate what I’ve tried and what I like, but researching, researching, researching will help anyone who wishes to learn more and, believe me, there’s a lot to learn…

-The size of a fish is directly proportional to the time between when it's lost and the story is told. - Me -What's the best eating fish, you ask? I've found that for a lot people, its the ones that they happen to be able to catch, clean, and cook. - My Dad (1/13/37 - 9/27/16 I love you Pops) -Until you have loved a dog, part of your soul remains unawakened. Anatole France (paraphrased) -RIP my "Puppy Dog" 10/15/2004 - 1/14/2013. I'll never forget him. What a special friend he was. -Team Gonna Fish

LOL, years ago I harvested one off an island at Clarks Hill while camping. Cooked it in oven like a turkey. Nah! Should have just marinated my sandal, lol.

Did have one awhile later at a friends house they cooked in a browning bag with a bunch of veggies, Tender an awesome.


Thanks, BH. Did 3, 30’ rows so think will pollinate good enough.

Plan to pick when ready, blanch and drop in ice water, then freeze as we used to do. If no-one has done the blanch and freeze with corn, and other veggies, you don’t know what you are missing. Last a year in a simple ziplock bag and tastes fresh. And cooks quickly when ya pull it out due to the blanching.



George McDonald US Navy Seabees,Retired, MAD, Charleston Chapter [

When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown


Do me a small favor DoubleN. Take six ears just as you picked them in the husk. sprinkle some water over them and put em in a grocery plastic bag and freeze. I haven’t blanched corn for 20 years. Wife and I take our corn and lay it on the ground break off some “wormy” tips spray with the water hose and put em in big garbage bags. Have one freezer just for corn. Will keep for over a year and fantastically fresh with no “cobby” taste. Pull how ever many ears you want either shuck and boil or leave in husk and grill. If you want to get a bit fancy shuck back and coat with butter and seasoning of choice reshuck and tie put on grill. We seldom blanch anything. Take Kale and other greens, wash and vacuum pack. Snap beans, field peas, etc… to me actually taste better not being blanched.

On the blanching note, I was raised up with everything blanched. I’ve found it’s not so necessary. Jump to Peanuts and I cook a bushel or two… sometimes three… completely ready to eat… then freeze. Go fishing and just grab a bag out the freezer and throw on the consol. Ready to eat.

My only question is which type makes the best moonshine?


Popcorn prefers white corn.

I am fragile. Not like a flower. But like a bomb.

Yes, but does it call for heirloom white corn and one that is open-pollinated… Many different types of white corns…