Been a couple years, but put in a garden this year

If anyone needs any figs, you are welcome to come pick some from my place in about two-three weeks. We have one of the largest fig trees in the state and there’s probably 10,000 baby figs on it today.

“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017

And I’ve seen DFreedom…uhhhhhh, that ain’t him.

“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017

That’s cool! Dad has a couple of nice ones, I’ve not had much success with fig trees. I’ve got one that I get a few off each year. Got any pics you’re willing to share?

They got me Friday night. All my butter peas, cucumbers, Watermelons, Okra and chomped a bit on some Potatoes. I was pretty ticked off and the wife just laughed and said I should have known better than not to have a fence up. Safe Haven is what she says about deer around the house. I say wait till she’s not home.

Hey OTC, if I looked like that, I’d never leave home.

"Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It's Hand", but really, who cares?

How’d everyone do this year on the gardens? Wife and I did well, other than field peas and butter peas. Put rags around with cheap perfume and it seemed to help a bit on deer. Last of the garden for this year was the wife’s Pumpkins. I think I might pick up a cheap bag of sunflower seeds for some fall color. just bush hogged the the last batch.

Time to plant some collards fred.Okra is still puttin out pretty good.Grapes are startin to get ripe.I had to put up a fence for the wood goats but it makes it a pain in the arse when I need to bush hog or disc.I hate to shoot those tame deer around my house ,I get plenty of venison the sporting way.:smiley:

Unless that fence is 8’ or better, those woods goats will scale it no problem. :smiley: The other night coming back home we got within 30 yards of 14 deer just finishing off the last of the Brown top millet. I wish I could make the wife understand they need to be thinned out. Never happen though. All good. Luckily I’ve got a few other avenues to hunt.

I’ve still got a few collard plants alive, just need a frost on em. should have taken some pictures, I had some collard plants 3 years old. The stalks looked like something off a Dr. Seuss show. Buddy has a dove field a few miles from me and They put up a 10’ fence and they have had deer get in! Them things can jump!

Never heard of this before.
Theres some radishes in the fridg. Grab one and was eating it. Wife told me to leave the rest of them alone. Having them with supper tomorrow night. ???
She don’t even like radishes. She said she was going to cook them. Ok ??
Anybody had cooked / sauteed baked ? I went to chef Google there was all different ways to cook radishes.

I am fragile. Not like a flower. But like a bomb.

I ain’t never heared of that neither.haha