Beer specials 8/17/16

Food Lion has 18 pack cans and bottles Bud, Miller, Coors $12.99…12 pack 16oz bottles Bud Aluminum, 12 pack cans and bottles Michelob, 12 pack bottles Redhook $11.99…24 pack cans Natty Light, Busch, High Life $13.99…12 pack bottles Sweetwater, Blue Moon, Leinenkugel’s #12.99, 12 pack cans and bottles Heineken, 12 pack bottles Amstel or Dos Equis $12.99…

BiLo has 18 pack cans and bottles Bud, Miller, Coors $12.50…18 pack cans and bottles Michelob and Mich Ultra $14.95…12 pack bottles Dos Equis, 12 pack cans Modelo and Tecate $11.95…12 pack bottles Blue Moon and Leinenkugel’s $13.50…24 pack cans Busch, Natty Light, High Life $13.95…

Publix has 15 pack 16oz bottles Miller Lite and Coors $14.99…12 pack cans and bottles Blue Moon $13.99…18 pack cans and bottles Michelob $14.49…12 pack bottles Heinenken and Corona $12.99…12 pack cans and bottles Sierra Nevada $15.99…

Harris Teeter has 18 pack cans and bottles Bud, Miller, Coors families $12.99…12 pack Sweetwater $12.99…12 pack bottles Corona, Heineken and Stella $13.99…

The Morris Island Lighthouse