Best picture ever

Look closely and you will see buck is looking at a doe. This is coolest pic my camera has ever taken

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Thats awesome

I can’t get passed looking at that, impressive, rack!


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Also, welcome back!!

I have a problem this time of year. Hunt-fish-poker-work. HMMMMMM
I now have a 27’Sea Hunt with T200’s and I have a 39’ Yellowfin with quad 350’s and 170 acres of hunting property. What I don’t have is time.

That is a problem…:wink:

That’s the same thing the buck said!

Going out this afternoon and tomorrow AM to see if he shows up.

Good luck; he looks like a sneaky buck…

He has shown up a couple times at around 6:30AM under a tree off the shooting lane. Always looking at does. My setup is 2 lanes at 90 degree angles and my stand is at the connection point of those 2 lanes. He has been at both. Never at night. The good news is I can get into that stand relatively undetected. If I dont get him in the next week I will deploy a decy

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I’m guessing he eluded you since there’s been no update…

But I agree, that’s a really cool pic.

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Was out there yesterday PM and AM this morning. No deer of any kind.

We have faith in you

Had my best season. Tagged 3 bucks. All different. The first one was a 6 point that weighed 185#
The second was a nice symmetrical 10 point.
The 3rd one I used my can doe bleat at daybreak. I saw him thru the woods before he got to clearing so I was ready. I wasn’t going to shoot him until he turned his head toward me and I saw how wide he was. Turned out to be an 8 pt with 20" inside spread