Best tying materials for Clousers

I recently started tying flies, and was wondering what do y’all use for bucktail material for tying Clousers? I have been tying out of a kit I bought and it doesn’t have any bucktail materials, so I wanted to go ahead and buy the good stuff. I read that the synthetics can be better because they don’t absorb water, so they are easier to cast. And some synthetics have some flash to them too, eliminating need for a little flashabou.

Also how what style hooks do you like for streamers? I picked up streamer hooks that had a circle hook style on the end. I like I said I am new to tying, so I hope this isn’t as dumb as a question as who makes the best 8wt? I just thought I would ask some people with more experience so I could buy the right stuff the first time. I know it can be the little things that can make your day lot on the water a lot better. Thanks for advice

Ok first you already answered your own question… Bucktail is the proper material for clousers. Open the packages and inspect the bucktail to make sure its a good one. They come off of living animals so no one is exactly like the other.

Synthetics are fine when tying for toothy critters but don’t match the look of naturals in the water in my opinion.

As for hooks. You want something with a 2x shank, and I prefer a wide gap (Gamakatsu B10s) but a standard 2x hook will work well too (Gamakatsu SS15) Size is dependent on species and the size you want the fly to be. You can tie clousers from a sz. 8 to a sz. 8/0 if you want. I would steer clear of circle hooks personally. Fish are swiping hard at them and you will tend to miss alot of fish witha circle vs. a standard “J” hook.

Good luck…

Mad Mike

"to hell with insane… I’m OUTsane!!! "

This is just personal preference but, in this case I can’t add anything to what M.M. wrote.

Now, from other’s opinions, remember that the clouser (tied with bucktail) has been rated the number one fly in the world. That rating was from not only saltwater flies but, freshwater flies too. And the competition for best freshwater fly is brutal. You can try to build a better mouse trap. I doubt you will catch more mice. I use bucktail. I tried synthetic with the clouser and I’m sticking with bucktail.

Ask someone at whatever store you shop for materials, to show you how bucktail changes from hair to hair and which hairs are worth using.

Mustad 34007. you can tie a lot of different flies on that iron

There is no normal life, there’s just life.

Tarpon 140

Knot the Reel World Fly Fishing LLC

I like to use Northern bucktail for my clousers… the hair is longer and softer and tends to not flare out like you are spinning hair for a popper… I have also been adding a little collar of grizzly hackle just behind the eyes and using the body to fold it down and leaving the rest flared out like a normal collar… I call it the Buffleheaded Clouser… the collar sticking out on 3/4 of the axis of the body near the eyes looks a lot like pec fins and I am not sure about the salty critters but LMB and Crappie CAN’T STAND 'EM!!! :wink:

“Paddle faster boys… I hear banjo music!”
SC Chapter Coordinator- Heroes on the Water
Charleston Director-
Tarpon 160os

That’s a cool sounding idea Nikon. I’m going to whip up some of those tonight and see how they work

There is no normal life, there’s just life.

Tarpon 140

Knot the Reel World Fly Fishing LLC

Hokiefly- use tha Tatonka- those looked killer…muahaha
nikon-great idea…“the acoustic footprint” ie lateral lines find flies. Pics? or all they all scraggly? JK…when we fushin?

If I tied them you know they are scraggly :wink: lemme know when yer free and I’ll work it out…

“Paddle faster boys… I hear banjo music!”
SC Chapter Coordinator- Heroes on the Water
Charleston Director-
Tarpon 160os

Thanks for the response guys. I have some free time this weekend and it will be spent filling up the warmwater box.

Ya bucktail is the way to go. as for colors Chartruese Olive and white… Also i use gamakatsu b10s hooks and they are awesome…and FINALLY I would buy a St.Croix Imperial fly rod from charleston angler! they are the best fly rod for $200 bucks you will find!


I tied some up, and caught some stripers on my first hand tied fly last week. Pretty good feeling. And you might want to check out Echos, I have an Ion that will certainly sling some line. Although i have a St. Croix and love it. And its nice you can buy spare tips for 25 bucks for St. Croix rods