bicyclists on the road

haha im going to use that

mobile speed bumps

i was wandering how long it was going to take for skinnee to chime in on this one

We have them stacked 50 deep or more where I live… They’re on 2 lane roads that are almost blocked when it’s a 55 zone.

I pull around them and slow way down to like 5-10 mph… If they pass me, they die… Usually, I even pass where I need to turn just to slow them down for another 5 miles, or so…

The cars behind them blow their horns thinking it is the bikers’ fault… Simple pleasures in life…


I ride so I will try and chime in and take the abuse that is about to come my way. I don’t ride in your area though so I can only comment in general

When riding, I never do group rides. I hate them. They block traffic and generally piss everyone off, so I ride solo. I ride off the white line and into the center of a lane to be visible and also to keep a vehicle from trying to pass in the same lane if it is unsafe. If it is safe, I move over. In NC, which is where I ride, it is legal to cross double yellow lines to pass a cyclist.

Yes, I dress funny but I also dress funny when I play hockey, go fishing, go hunting and play golf.

WRT to riding on country roads, that is where I prefer to ride because there is virtually no traffic. If a driver complains that they didn’t have time to react, it is the drivers fault for driving unsafely.

Taxing a bike is a dumb idea. My bike weights 16 lbs and causes zero damage when used one a road.

Can’t comment on bike lanes, there aren’t any where I live.

SC has different laws than NC but in NC a bike is considered a non motorized vehicle and is allowed on any road that does not have controlled access like an interstate or a major highway.

I can’t stand cyclists that ride on busy roads and tie up traffic just because they can. I obey the laws just like I am driving my car, but the notion that only cyclists disobey traffic laws is absurd. Everyone that drives speeds, rolls through stop signs, doesn’t fully stop before turning right on red etc… but people only get their knickers in a bunch when someone on a bike does it.

Hope this helps. Don’t shoot the messenger

Squid Row II
22 Shamrock WA

Flounder Pounder II
16 Sandpiper Skiff

Squid Row, You aren’t the type of biker I was complaining about. I just don’t believe bikes should be allowed on busy main roads. If all bikers rode safely, like you, I wouldn’t have a problem with them. The problem for me is when they almost cause or do cause accidents. Nobody wants to hit a biker or anyone else. Some bikers are taking wreckless chances. Like the ones that almost caused a car to take me out when riding bikes on a four lane road after dark. They had no lights or reflective clothing. Another problem is unsupervised kids riding bikes on heavily traveled roads. That’s just an accident waiting to happen. There should atleast be some requirement for a child be accompanied by a parent or adult guardian while riding on anything other than neighborhood roads.

As a biker I will agree that lot of road/group riders are a pain but so are a lot of folks in cars/trucks. The taxing bikes argument is kinda weak as we all own cars/trucks and already pay taxes on the roads. When you see us we just chose to ride instead of drive but that can be argued all day. As for the “speed bump”/“remove tags and run off the road” comments well that’s pretty juvenile. Might make ya feel manly stating crap like that behind the keyboard but come on.

The “we own cars/trucks” is also a weak argument. just because you pay taxes on one vehicle, doesnt mean you have the right to drive anything on the road. I pay taxes on half a dozen vehicles, that doesnt mean i can hop on my quad and start racing down the road “because ive paid taxes on other things so that makes up for it”

I think there should be a seperate tax/registration fee that bikers should have to pay to help pay for more bike lanes. that is a win win for everyone. yes i know that tax isnt going to be enough to fully pay for the bike lanes, but it will help and it wont break the bank for the riders.

I’m sure all bike riders would be happy to pay tax/fee if it went towards bike lanes. I know I would. It would make it safer for bikers and auto drivers as well.

if there was some kind of “optional” extra tax to pay for your tags on vehicles, that went to paying for bike lanes, i would pay it each time for each my vehicles.