bicyclists on the road

This may have been appropriate to put in the Political section, but ill put it here instead.

what is yalls opinion on Bicyclist on the road and in vehicle lanes? There are many points of views about bicyclist rights vs vehicle driver rights, etc. I feel, if i have to pay a higher tag fee because my truck is “heavy”, or i have to pay a fee to drive my golf cart down the road, then cyclist should have to pay to drive on the road as well.

disclosure statement-if you are a cyclist, dont take this personal. Im just giving my 2 cents. i am fully aware that gas tax and vehicle tax isnt the ONLY tax that pays for roads. ive had cyclist make staments to me like, i pay sales tax on my $1000 bike so i have the right to ride on there as much as you do…well, i paid sales tax on a $20,000 skids steer. that doesnt mean its ok for me to drive it down the road at 5mph…

I understand they have a right to do it but certainly don’t think it’s too intelligent to ride a bike on a 55 mph 2 lane that has sharp curves or steep hills. It’s just putting themselves and drives on that road in danger.

The ones that will occasionally ride them down Hwy 174 on Edisto are suicidal.

I have no problems with cyclists using the roads … as long as they obey the road rules. E.g. Stop at red lights, slower traffic (bike) keep right, use signal (arm) when turning, use bike lane if one is provided.

I do have a problem when the bicycle nazis think they don’t have to obey rules of the road.

And this ridiculous idea of dedicating one lane of the Ashley River bridge for cyclists really peeves me. There are 1,000s of cars that use that bridge and only a relative few bikes cross it.


Originally posted by jisuho

I have no problems with cyclists using the roads … as long as they obey the road rules. E.g. Stop at red lights, slower traffic (bike) keep right, use signal (arm) when turning, use bike lane if one is provided.

I do have a problem when the bicycle nazis think they don’t have to obey rules of the road.

And this ridiculous idea of dedicating one lane of the Ashley River bridge for cyclists really peeves me. There are 1,000s of cars that use that bridge and only a relative few bikes cross it.


X2 on all the above

i agree. just earlier this week i was riding down a brand new repaved back highway, 55mph, on a nice long straight away. a cyclist was riding perfectly on the white line, then as i got closer they moved 3-4 feet towards the center of the lane. it is possible he just wasnt paying attention, but there is no way he didnt hear a 9000 pound diesel truck with exhaust coming up behind him. I didnt do anything irrational that time(like romp on the throttle and smoke him out for being an idiot), but i did both mad and worried. Mad if he had dont that on purpose, but also worried if he had done that without knowing.

It’s only a matter of time before a texting teen drifts over and has a cyclist hung up under their vehicle. A dedicated bike lane is fine,but when the idiots get on single lane highways, such as 174 or Rifle Range Road and have traffic backed up, that’s when I lose respect.

I always thought cyclists were pretty intelligent people, but a 10 speed vs. a 2500 GMC is not going to end well.

Originally posted by jisuho

I have no problems with cyclists using the roads … as long as they obey the road rules. E.g. Stop at red lights, slower traffic (bike) keep right, use signal (arm) when turning, use bike lane if one is provided.

I do have a problem when the bicycle nazis think they don’t have to obey rules of the road.

And this ridiculous idea of dedicating one lane of the Ashley River bridge for cyclists really peeves me. There are 1,000s of cars that use that bridge and only a relative few bikes cross it.


Nailed it

Look at where Jesus went to pick people. He didn’t go to the colleges; he got guys off the fishing docks.

It’s the moped riders that piss me off. My wife almost got into a wreck because of one and because they are not required to have any identifying tag, you would have no recourse or way to hold them responsible. Why do they get to use the road and not have to be licensed, registered, etc.??

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Much like the few underway inconsiderately on kayaks & paddle boards.
Eventually someone as daft as them operating a large vessel or vehicle will enlighten them, also creating a need for them to change their shorts.

Originally posted by poly ball

It’s only a matter of time before a texting teen drifts over and has a cyclist hung up under their vehicle. A dedicated bike lane is fine,but when the idiots get on single lane highways, such as 174 or Rifle Range Road and have traffic backed up, that’s when I lose respect.

I always thought cyclists were pretty intelligent people, but a 10 speed vs. a 2500 GMC is not going to end well.

Not the first time and probably not the last… But Robert’s right.

“Why Bruce?”

I’ve had a car swerve into my lane because he was trying to dodge a bicycle riding after dark in his lane. Would have totaled us both if I hadn’t slammed on the brakes and swerved too. There is no excuse for anyone to be riding a bicycle after dark on the highways of SC!
I think bicycles, mopeds and the like should not be on main roads at all. There used to be posted minimum speed limits on a lot of roads. That should be reinstated on our main roads. If you can’t run with the big dogs stay on the porch.

Good comedy is suggesting the cyclists have to pay property tax on their bikes. I’ve been unfriended and blocked for that on the Face

Down here is where a signature goes but they can confuse and anger some people so I don’t have one.

i posted that same comment onto WISTV’s article on their face page, i pretty much got the same reaction.

so is there not anyone on here that rides bicycles on the road that may be able to give some insight?

Can’t stand them. They get really upset when someone speaks against sharing the road.

Originally posted by FishinMission
Originally posted by jisuho

I have no problems with cyclists using the roads … as long as they obey the road rules. E.g. Stop at red lights, slower traffic (bike) keep right, use signal (arm) when turning, use bike lane if one is provided.

I do have a problem when the bicycle nazis think they don’t have to obey rules of the road.

And this ridiculous idea of dedicating one lane of the Ashley River bridge for cyclists really peeves me. There are 1,000s of cars that use that bridge and only a relative few bikes cross it.


Nailed it

Look at where Jesus went to pick people. He didn’t go to the colleges; he got guys off the fishing docks.

I have crossed that bridge on a bike in the lane… once.

Tried walking the bike on that narrow little sidewalk too. Not easy.

I expect the total number of bikers on that bridge is somewhat suppressed by the hazard risk.

I like to remove my truck tags and see how many I can force into the grass on 61 Saturday mornings…

I am all for making bicyclists accountable for breaking traffic rules and for when they are being ********s. No argument there at all.

Group rides where traffic is impeded (especially on Johns Island) can be frustrating, especially when they “filter” through traffic that is stopped and then they are spread out alongside a long column of cars. Very dangerous and those are narrow roads.

Also not really in favor of closing down existing roadways etc. but I think a SAFE bike path from WA to DT would be used a lot in spring/fall/winter.

Taxing + registering bikes is fine from a fairness perspective but I think it would be pretty low value overall. If you taxed them at the same property tax rate as cars you might collect $100 after the cost of implementing that system. Property tax wise it would also disproportionately affect poorer folks and kids who ride bikes very short distances in residential areas and aren’t really the problem you are trying to address.

Pushing bikes to the sidewalk sucks too as I am always dodging bikes walking through campus. Basically the same issue with bikes vs. walkers as as cars vs. bikes! Different speeds etc.

I rode a bike to work a couple of days a week from Johns Island. 9-10 miles. Was great exercise but borderline suicide. Once I saw the “ghost bikes” marking people killed in bike accidents popping up on my route I quit.

Part of the underlying issue that can’t be controlled by better biker behavior (which i freely admit is annoying and have been on both sides of it) is that the infrastructure is not there. 12 ft lanes would make for better room everyone to pass, but most roads in CHS are still barely 9 ft lanes. When your jonboat trailer is touching both lines, and the oak trees are sitting 4 inches off the shoulder, there is a design issue.

Unfortunately, now that the city is getting bigger, there needs to be more investment in infrastructure in general, and I think it is unwise to totally disregard the value of making bike paths available. Bike co

I just don’t understand investing money to appease a small group of people when the roads suck. How many people have jobs where they can really ride their bike across the Ashley River Bridge to work downtown in the hot summer? Does every business down there have a shower and locker room?

In my opinion, bicycles belong on neighborhood roads and on the beach. I’ve tried to show them some courtesy on the highway, but they are a hypocritical and not very likeable bunch. When you finally have an opportunity to safely pass 2 or 3 of them riding abreast, count on a nasty look from at least one of them. A while back, I summed it up to a friend this way:

Bicycle riders on the highway demand the rights of an ambulance driver, but exercise the responsibility of a squirrel.