Big Popper

I have an 8wt and I am having trouble throwing big poppers with it, any recommendations??

Tight loops and line speed. Double haul is a must. If your fly is not turning over, use some stiffer mono for the butt section of your leader. Make sure the stiff mono is at least half of the over all length of the leader. You could also use a shorter leader to help it turn over.

“Fishing is alot like sex…when its good,it’s really good, and when its bad, its still pretty good.”

Work on your timing and letting the rod do the work. The doublehaul is a must…Until you get to this point with your casting you will continue to have problems. If its a truly BIG popper, even the best caster may have trouble getting it out there.

You can try shortening your leader a little… make it 8’ instead of 9’ that helps sometimes… Linespeed is vital… but with big flies you may need to give your backcast a little more time to develop…

Also don’t try false casting 100 times to get your distance, you’ll just end up with a knotted up leader… instead work on shooting line with as few false casts as possible… I usually have one backcast and then shoot… depending on the situation…

Practice… Practice… and when you think you’ve got it down… Practice some more!

Mad Mike

Calibogue Posted - 08/14/2008 : 05:36:05 AM

Work on your timing and letting the rod do the work. The doublehaul is a must…

I’m in the learning phase of my fly fishing career… what do you mean by “doublehall”?

22’Sea Hunt 200 yamaha
Jim Beam me up…
El Cid '02

Here is an instructional video that does a pretty good job explaining the single and double haul.

A haul, whether it be single or double, is just a way to accelerate the line speed during your cast. Thats a good video that TravelinJack posted. The secret to it is not to get frustrated. It takes some time to learn the timing and with the double haul in particular, timing is everything.

Good luck!

Google the word but in short it is casting method used to gain line speed…a must for windy conditions and big flies! If you ever go to the Carribean, it always blows!!!:sunglasses:

The double hall is a must to master. My advice would be to go to a shop or find a guild or someone on this site that can give you a quick lesson. I look at it as a golf swing you can read magazines, or books and practice on your own but having a pro fine tune little things for thirty mins will help your cast more than anything.

02 Pathfinder 1806

We will be moving to Chas the last week of Sept. I will be bugging some of yall to take me out and coach my casting. I never had anyone teach me, I just pick up a rod and started casting.

Nothing makes a fish bigger than almost being caught!

War Eagle!