June 9-14, Looking for 2-3 crew to join 3-4 to fish for the week. Fishing on FatBoy, 36’ Hatteras. Call for more details, 843-696-0207 or email: hallra4@comcast.net
June 9-14, Looking for 2-3 crew to join 3-4 to fish for the week. Fishing on FatBoy, 36’ Hatteras. Call for more details, 843-696-0207 or email: hallra4@comcast.net
I already have a Captain and mate; looking for persons to contribute. Appx. $2000 per person.
Whats the cut?
Divided equally among paying crew + an equal share for the boat. For more details contact me directly.
I have room for 1 more person. I will allow someone to fish for a day or 2, if they can’t make the entire week.
You got mail!
Catch’m up!
Im glad that you were able to join us. We’ll have to try it again, in Charleston.