Biggest Bird For Me...

Hunted WMA this morning. Had 6 different birds gobbling all around me just before first light. I was completely surrounded by birds. Once I heard the first one fly down ALL gobbling stopped and the 6TH bird snuck in on me without ever making a sound. I never seen him until he was 40 yards away, strutting into to my decoys and some soft calling with a crystal pot call. He made it to 25 yards before a 2 oz load of #6s told him …good morning. :smiley:

18 pounds. 7/8" spurs and 9" beard.

Very nice!

Great report and pic,way to get it done in the government woods.Is the little one interested in turkeys?

Originally posted by sman

Great report and pic,way to get it done in the government woods.Is the little one interested in turkeys?

Planning to set up a 20 gauge single shot ( tap it for a weaver mount, maybe a red dot scope ) and get her practicing this summer for next season.

congrats! I should have known you were more than just the “deer and fish master”

Nice Bird. I had a similar experience last Saturday, had 3 birds gobbling on the roost, hit the ground and nothing. set up and had a Jake slip in on me without knowing and he busted me as I was leaving. Headed back tomorrow and hoping for better luck. Congrats on the nice Tom.


Originally posted by mdl5155

congrats! I should have known you were more than just the “deer and fish master”

I get lucky once in a while with Turkeys, it makes up for all the times I don’t see/hear any…:smiley: