Nicole has fished with me several times. She made this video on a wade fishing trip with me. When she’s fishing in her bikini, it’s difficult to stay focused on the task at hand. A true test of will power.
I"m just living the dream and enjoying life…and sharing whatever I do that I think might bring a smile to someone’s face. I’m very blessed and greatly appreciative.
It’s definitely a motivation to go when I might otherwise not venture out. I told her she has a standing invitation to go with me anytime she wants to go…rain or shine, I’m all in.
As soon as I get my boat out of the shop, I’ll be back at the good life. I decided to have radar installed because fog is such a big problem in early spring. I’ve lost count of the mornings I’ve stayed at my camp until midday waiting for the fog to lift so I could safely go fishing. I still may not go out in the fog, but at least if a fog bank rolls in while I’m fishing my chances of getting back safely will increase dramatically. When you see more pix from me, you’ll know my boat is back in operation.