Headed out with a crew last Sunday in search of Sailfish on the fly. The sails did not cooperate, but as we were packing it up I noticed a black tip swimming around the boat so I broke out the 9wt. I made about 20 casts and he was not showing any interest. At that point it was casting practice for me, but on the 21st cast the ■■■■ bugger ate. I got him boat side after a nice little tug of war. He gave the Tibor a hell of a workout and it was nice seeing that much backing in the open ocean. Later we at to fished a reef and had a 30lb king come take a look at the topwater fly. He did not take but it was exciting just the same.
Also earlier in the day we came upon a pod of about 60 dolphin in the gulf stream. A couple of us decided to swim with them. It was really cool swiming 60 miles of the coast of charleston with a large pod of doplhin. Listening to the sounds they made under water was really a cool experiance.
By most acounts he was a little over 5.5 feet long. He ate a white and red pattern I came up with a while ago. It was the first “fish” to hit that tie. It was a cross between a clouser, seaducer and deciever. He had me down to a few wraps left on backing. True fun in the blue water. Also had about a 10 foot shark looking after that-I was so cramped up I could not hold my beer. The only other fly caster on board looked at me and after seeing what I went through said “Im good.”
“Fishing is alot like sex…when its good,it’s really good, and when its bad, its still pretty good.”