Boat for cheap!

Guys and Gals,

I have an older aluminum Fisher bass boat for sale.

It was my father in Laws. I have two other boats and wife says this one MUST get out of the backyard :slight_smile:

Really could be a great boat with some work.

I believe that boat is around 16 feet long. I think it is a 89 model? I have the title and its clear! Has a Nissan 40 HP two stroke. Im told they are good engines. I had the engine running like three weeks ago using the pull start. I put a new fuel tank in. The electric start is attached but not working.? Im not good with electrical.

The boat has a very powerful older trolling motor that works better than the one on my Stratos Bass boat.

The big problem is the trailer. Its in really rough shape and I want to blow it in place!
The trailer hub is all messed up and I don’t know how to fix it.

Im not looking to get rich…just want it gone. Would be an amazing boat with some work. Great for fishing or paint it and use it for hunting. Its silver…


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Hey, if you still have the boat give me a call- 843-412-8207. Thanks.

How much are you asking? And do you have any pictures?

Bob Van Gundy
Marine Designs,Inc.
Custom Aluminum Fabrication

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Scout 185