
Can you launch at COA/ Bowen’s restaurant? If so, are there any good spots over there? I was driving back from Folly today and the tide had the flats soaked; I figured there’s got to be Reds feeding in there.

All Day I Dream About Fishing
Malibu eXtreme
Hobie Pro Angler

You can but you can launch for free across from Crosby’s thats where I launched from today and paddled around a little bit I think they charge $2 to launch from Bowens

Bragging may not bring happiness,
but no man having caught a large fish,
goes home through the alley.

I haven’t figured out what COA is but yes, to launching at Bowen’s and it is $2 if you can find Robert. I think he must charge that out of respect for tradition. Mrs Bowen used to charge $2 to launch only I got by with $1 because I was a tenant of hers. I kayaked around there years ago but that was before I started fishing so I can’t report on that. Don’t see why it wouldn’t be good though.

Truthfully, if you like fishing docks and rocks, as I do, it can be a long paddle only a few around the area directly as you launch, I fished near Crosby’s and look forward to heading back, maybe tomorrow, depends on how I feel when I get off

Bragging may not bring happiness,
but no man having caught a large fish,
goes home through the alley.