Brain surgeons?

This is a true story.

My wife is head MRI and CT Technologist for a group of 10 neurosurgeons, supposedly the best brain and spine surgeons in the SE. I had to go to her office for some scans, been having some bad troubles myself that need attention. Don’t know what they are yet, neither do they, but it ain’t good. Now I think I know why they don’t know :?

Anyway, I come out of the office and the head neurosurgeon and a couple of his Dr. crony’s, a couple PAs and nurses are all standing around a $150,000 BMW in the parking lot with the hood up. Me being me, I walked over to see if I could help. Turns out they had a dead battery, and 3 brain surgeons couldn’t even find the battery. I told them I can probably find the battery. It was right there where I suspected it would be, starboard forward, with a plastic cover over it. Went to my truck and got my metric wrenches, took off the cover, yep, battery under there sure enough. Pulled my truck up to it, pulled out my jumper cables, hooked him up, cranked him up and sent him on his way. Now I sure ain’t no brain surgeon and I sure ain’t no BMW mechanic, but I can find a (**() battery. And I make a lot less than $1000 an hour too :!:

Wish they could find out what’s wrong with me. Now I see why they can’t. I’m surprised they could even open the hood between 6 of them. Gives me a lot of confidence in them 8O Can’t make this stuff up :help:

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

First off Larry, I hope they are soon able to determine what ails you.

Second, I hope you charged them $5,000 for the assistance. I have found that being “brilliant” doesn’t always mean you have any common sense.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Larry, hope they can figure it out! As for DF, I must be one of the brilliant ones, cause I sure don’t have any common sense!:wink:

Larry, I hope they figure out whats bothering you!

I was at a friends house. Happens to be one of the smartest people I know, former chief of staff who was credited with balancing the budget. Really, really, really smart guy. I mean he broke bipartisanship and balanced the freaking budget for petes sake! Well his garbage disposal fell out and I quickly threw it in there and tightened it up…he looked at me like I just parted the red sea.

“Those who have the ability to make a difference have the responsibility to do so.” Thomas Jefferson

Best of luck to you.

It’s a shame that wasn’t a hot blonde nurse with one of those real short form fittin dresses on and when she bent over to look for the battery you could see… she may really need assistance. When asking if she needed your service and she replied, “Well now, I’m guessing you didn’t see a doctor about erectile dysfunction!”

First ever workplace violence incident, Wounded Knee,SD.

Larry, I hope everything works out. Judging from your posts I assume you and I are close in age. Probably, like me didn’t go to a doctor for 40 years except for stichces and broken bones.

Now I have an urologist, podiatrist, dermatologist, cardiologist, optomalgist, and a general practicioneer who tells me to go see one of the other doctors when something is wrong.

To your point on common sense, in today’s world everything is plug and play then throw away. When I grew up you could fix things. If you couldn’t fix it somebody in the neighborhood could. Now we just throw it away and buy a new one. Young people don’t have the opportunity to learn the things you and I did.

Thanks to all for the well wishes and prayers. I’ve got the best Docs available trying to figure things out. They either will or they won’t. They aren’t God and can’t fix everything. It will be what it will be, and I’ll deal with whatever comes.

Judging from your posts I assume you and I are close in age. Probably, like me didn’t go to a doctor for 40 years except for stitches and broken bones.

You’ve got me pegged. I spent 60 years trying to tear up my body, never went to a Dr. unless I was crawling and had given it a year to heal itself first. Spent the last 3 years trying to fix it :smiley: It’s not the age, it’s the mileage! Never figured to live past 21 anyway, so every day after that I considered a gift. Should have taken better care of myself.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

I’ve found that “Rocket Surgeons” are the smartest group of individuals…

That being said, prayers coming your way for a diagnosis and smooth resolution.

We would be boring without the mileage.

prayers for a good outcome cl

The way modern cars are you probably voided his warranty haha. They really don’t want you working on your own car nowadays.

(this is a joke, before anyone gets their panties in a wad)

Hope all is well Capt. You should have charged them a $500 up front co-pay before you look under the hood and told them their insurance wouldn’t authorize the repair…lol

I sure do appreciate the kind thoughts and prayers from everyone.

You should have charged them a $500 up front co-pay before you look under the hood and told them their insurance wouldn't authorize the

Well, in all fairness, they have done about $25K in scans and neuro radiologist reading fees and surgeon evaluations, and yada, yada, yada, and they haven’t charged me even one dime. Nothing. Family discount:smiley: So I don’t mind giving them a battery jump. They probably have a boat that needs fixing anyway. I’ve worked on many of their boats over the years. I reckon I’ll be working on the next ones for free :sunglasses:

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper