Bruce Jenner

Wow… I watched the Sawyer interview. Unfortunately, Bruce is broken. I see him taking a very dark path in the next few years.

Nothing about this situation says “rational, healthy, edifying”. I think (fear) you are right Skinee.

… The Cross of Christ is the anvil upon which the hammer of evil wore itself out.

I thought it was “Kayla”?

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.

DF, a girl can change her mind:smiley:

Sorry, cutting off your willie still doesn’t make you a “girl” in my mind. Yes, I know, I am narrow-minded.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.

skinnee, break it down for us. I’d like to know the gist of the interview.

DF thanks for admitting your narrowmindedness. it’s a start

I think it’s great that the Caitlyn photo shoot came out the same day that the original one that did the sex tape that made them all famous announced her second pregnancy. Totally overshadowed. Funny stuff.


Originally posted by PeaPod

skinnee, break it down for us. I’d like to know the gist of the interview.

DF thanks for admitting your narrowmindedness. it’s a start

I’ll give you the highlights (based on my memory):

<> DS: Why?
<> BJ: Because I have identified myself as a female trapped inside of a man’s body since I was young.
<> DS: How young?
<> BJ: Not sure exactly, but I remember trying on my sister’s dresses when I was around 10 or so.
<> DS: Why now?
<> BJ: Was caught coming out of the plastic surgeon’s office for a consult on the procedure. Caught by paparazzi and the secret was out.
<> DS: Are you homosexual?
<> BJ: No. I still like women. I’ve never been attracted to a man. “Gender Identity” and “Sexual Preference” are completely different and not interrelated.
<> DS: Are you going to date men or women, or both?
<> BJ: I’m more into the person. I’ve never been attracted to a man, but “We’ll see where this thing takes me I guess”.
<> DS: About your divorce with Kris Kardashian
<> BJ: Directly related to me coming out about the gender thing. I think we could still be married if it wasn’t for this. She was devastated and very angry.
<> DS: Is this a publicity stunt?
<> BJ: No, that’s ridiculous. I don’t think anyone would go this far for publicity.
<> DS: Did the kids ever know until now?
<> BJ: I would wait until the kids go to bed and I would dress in drag sometimes and do my nails. Once Kim came home early and walked in on me. She turned around and walked out. We didn’t really discuss it. Also, I went into Kylie’s room to look in her closet once. I was dressed in drag and didn’t realize she had a web camera set up because she thought her si

medical technology will allow Bruce to look like a Caitlyn, but every natural cell in his body is screaming “Hello!, I have an X and Y chromosome pair. I am a male”!

Try as hard as he might he will always be a male. Mentally misaligned, but still a male.


I generally don’t care who you sleep with or dress like as long as it involves two consenting adults, but even I have trouble getting behind the whole sex not being equal to gender thing. I just can’t for the life of me call Bruce a her and not feel weird about it.

Originally posted by Edistodaniel

I just can’t for the life of me call Bruce a her and not feel weird about it.

Why should you? It's a lie... Lipstick on a pig doesn't make it a human either.

Ah, you guys all know that you would do her:face_with_head_bandage:[:0]:smiley:

Originally posted by Easy

Ah, you guys all know that you would do her:face_with_head_bandage:[:0]:smiley:

That's it... Cross the line... You just got kicked off this thread. I hope you use this time to think about what you did...

Pioneer 222 Sportfish Yamaha F300
Yeah, but do you consider a dog to be a filthy animal? I wouldn’t go so far as to call a dog filthy but they’re definitely dirty. But, a dog’s got personality. Personality goes a long way.

“Life’s tough…It’s even tougher if you’re stupid” John Wayne

skinnee, thanks for the cliffnotes.

we are doomed.

macdaddy was right.

Heard he, she, is keeping the original Jennitalia. That’s funny right there don’t care who you are.

Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by Edistodaniel

I just can’t for the life of me call Bruce a her and not feel weird about it.

Why should you? It's a lie... Lipstick on a pig doesn't make it a human either.
because i'm a got dang dirty liberal! :smiley:
Originally posted by longbearded1

Heard he, she, is keeping the original Jennitalia. That’s funny right there don’t care who you are.

And the known uses for duct tape just keep growing!!!

Come on guys (no pun intended), any of you would be more than willing to take Bruce fishing to check out his gear…

Whether it is an Ugly Stik, or a Ben Doerr, is completely up to the intoxicated Captain taking the helm at that time…


Oh, skinneej one, I was ventured into the DARK SIDE, I’m so sorry! It just came over me! The thought of a really dark bar @ 2AM and just you and IT, in the bar! Things happen that don’t reveal themselves until the light of day! Then you say to yourself,( WTF, have I done)? I’ve been all over the world and seen it all! Once in Frankford, GE. while waiting for the Berlin Military Train, I turned my Privates, loose to explore the city! Couple of hour’s later 2 of them showed up telling me about this Peep Show they saw. In Germany, the Peep Shows are live sex shows! Were talking sleaze! I went with the Private’s to this Peep Show, cause I couldn’t believe want they were telling me! They said that they saw a girl with a DK! We got there and went in! The kids were excited to show me what they found, they even paid for me to get in. We went in and these Peep Shows had little rooms you went into! Once in the room, you put a coin in a slot and a roll top door would go up, giving you a view of an inner room. The inner room was like a roister and spun I went in and put the coin in the slot and the door went up! Didn’t take me long, to see what I wanted to see! We walked out of there and I asked the Private’s if they had ever been away from home before? Both said no! One was from Delaware and his Dad, was a Preacher in Lewes Delaware. The other kid was from MO. somewhere! I had to explain to them that what they were looking at was a little Asian guy, with a little Dk and long hair and not a girl! I’m still LOL :smiley::smiley::smiley: