Got this in a e mail as I’m sure some others did as well. Let’s hope it holds true, but for just one week?? how bout a month! or better yet keep the limit where it currently is at 15.

“According to preliminary information from the National Marine Fisheries Service the recreational black sea bass fishery in the South Atlantic will reopen on June 1st as anticipated. It appears that the reduction in the black sea bass bag limit from 15 to 5 fish will become effective on or about June 1st. However, the NMFS is likely to allow the 15 fish bag limit to remain in effect for the first week after the fishery reopens to provide a transition period for fishermen to come into compliance with the new 5 fish bag limit.”

Russ B. Formerly known here as “Top2Bottom1”
God is great, Beer is good, People are crazy

What??? Where is the logic or rationale in…oh yeah, I forgot, there is none.

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge…Proverbs 1:7

It makes my GD blood boil these friggn crooks are doing this. You can’t catch a gropuer because all of the (**() sea bass. Five fish my azz…!!

Can one of you guys tell me what size hook you use for the BSB? And you DO NOT need circle hooks for them, correct?

Originally posted by Girldawg

Can one of you guys tell me what size hook you use for the BSB? And you DO NOT need circle hooks for them, correct?

Yes, you do need to use circle hooks (when using cut bait).

My hook of choice is a 5/0 or 6/0 Owners SSW Circle. Can use the Owner Mutu but that is probably overkill for targeting BSB.

“If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more violence. If the Jews put down their weapons today, there would be no more Israel .” Benjamin Netanyahu

GW 205
F200 Yam

Just a friendly word of advise for people targeting BSB during this one week “grace” period before the reduced limits. If we have 50 posts about catching EPIC BSB and limiting out with 5 limits, please know that this information will be used by the pseudo scientists at NMFS and they WILL apply those numbers toward our annual lb limit. It will be done.

Don’t post specifics or photos of your total catch. :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

“If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more violence. If the Jews put down their weapons today, there would be no more Israel .” Benjamin Netanyahu

GW 205
F200 Yam

Originally posted by sshaarda

Just a friendly word of advise for people targeting BSB during this one week “grace” period before the reduced limits. If we have 50 posts about catching EPIC BSB and limiting out with 5 limits, please know that this information will be used by the pseudo scientists at NMFS and they WILL apply those numbers toward our annual lb limit. It will be done.

Don’t post specifics or photos of your total catch. :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

“If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more violence. If the Jews put down their weapons today, there would be no more Israel .” Benjamin Netanyahu

GW 205
F200 Yam

Ha Ha, Good luck with that one.

sshaarda, you worry too much. SAFMC is going to do what they want anyway and no common sense approach is going to change that. In addition, nobody cares about BSB right now. Everyone is after the mahidoradodolphinfish. And even if there were a “midnight rush”, the “scientists” (I put this in quotes because the term is normally used to describe someone who adheres to an unbiased approach and the scientific process which is obviously not the case)… Anyway, as I was saying, if there were a “midnight rush”, the “scientists” have already factored it in…

Originally posted by Girldawg

Can one of you guys tell me what size hook you use for the BSB? And you DO NOT need circle hooks for them, correct?

Think I’ll fish for ringtails, grunt and sand bass.

Mako 262 Twin Yammaha F200s
Yeah, but do you consider a dog to be a filthy animal? I wouldn’t go so far as to call a dog filthy but they’re definitely dirty. But, a dog’s got personality. Personality goes a long way.

“Life’s tough…It’s even tougher if you’re stupid” John Wayne

Saltydog won’t do you any good. I think they maybe a shortage of them to. I haven’t seen a sand bass for years. Ringtails only seen about two of them. Grunt you refering to wild pigs. STUDIES must be done.


Ima go fishing for Jimmy Hoffa…

Umm, you gonna eat that?

Thousands have died to save my freedom. Only one has died to save my soul!

For the record: Advice, which is a noun, is spelled with a C not an S. Advise is a verb. You give someone advice. You advise someone about something.

“Think Quickly, Speak Slowly”

salty… grunts are in the complex… enough to give you a complex worrying about hook selection!

i’m gonna stick to the bucktail and rubber worm combo. no bait to mess with, no circle hooks to abide by.

wish i was coolering knotheads right now…

caught the shat out of them and bliners in 90 foot on a sibiki rig on sunday 6 at the time…they are really endangered

2660 Sailfish
150 Yamahas

Just checked the regs on the DNR site and for now, 6/2, it’s still showing a 15 fish limit

'07 198 DLX Carolina Skiff
FS90 Suzuki

Originally posted by sshaarda

Just a friendly word of advise for people targeting BSB during this one week “grace” period before the reduced limits. If we have 50 posts about catching EPIC BSB and limiting out with 5 limits, please know that this information will be used by the pseudo scientists at NMFS and they WILL apply those numbers toward our annual lb limit. It will be done.

Don’t post specifics or photos of your total catch. :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

I said something to this effect 2-3 years ago, but was shot down by many of the “prolific posters” on here. But you are correct, they use these message boards against us.

Back in NJ, the scientists would often talk to one fisherman and call his results the norm, then since they couldn’t talk to another hundred, they would multiply the great fisherman’s catch by a hundred and “Oh My Goooosh” they’re being overfished! We must step in and save the species!" Do any of these jamokes go out on the water at all?! The party boat fleet is dying and no one cares, it’s frustrating to say the least. There, I got that off my chest

“If a dirty bottom slows you down… imagine what it does to your boat”

Originally posted by Loosewire
Originally posted by sshaarda

Just a friendly word of advise for people targeting BSB during this one week “grace” period before the reduced limits. If we have 50 posts about catching EPIC BSB and limiting out with 5 limits, please know that this information will be used by the pseudo scientists at NMFS and they WILL apply those numbers toward our annual lb limit. It will be done.

Don’t post specifics or photos of your total catch. :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

I said something to this effect 2-3 years ago, but was shot down by many of the “prolific posters” on here. But you are correct, they use these message boards against us.

same here loosewire…

I better go buy more circle hooks. Only got 16, 10 of size 10, 6 of 1/0…I was factoring that in for sheeps in spades and not factoring in BSB. Need to get bigger ones. Considering that’s our main target on Sunday since we’re going to the nearshore reef for a day of fun. Maybe the kings will have moved in and can keep us busy to put more meat in the boat. BTW, if we catch a 5 man limit of BSB, expect pictures and a post with catch of the day. I really don’t think these dooshers are really reading all the fishing websites and taking all catch from all reports into their data. I 100% understand what you guys are saying but this craps going to persist whether we post or not. CLEARLY posts show the fisheries that are closed are stronger than ever so why would they be closed? Why the hell would everything be shut down if all people are catching is large species of what’s shut down. Personally, I’d like to see a 14" limit on BSB.

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Mike Martinez