The deer was standing on the corn pile as I was climbing into the stand. Shortest hunt I ever had in my life. I had to go real slow the last few rungs to get in the stand. Then, the rest is history. Never even sat down. 150lbs 8 point. Letting the little ones walk is paying off big time!!!
Dang Skeeter, you didn’t have to shoot him on full auto! Don’t the Gyrines, have the 3 round burst M4’s yet? Nice buck:wink:
Congrats. My biggest buck to date was a 2 minute hunt. Hadn’t even pulled my rifle up yet. Happens like that sometimes.
Pioneer 222 Sportfish Yamaha F300
Yeah, but do you consider a dog to be a filthy animal? I wouldn’t go so far as to call a dog filthy but they’re definitely dirty. But, a dog’s got personality. Personality goes a long way.
“Life’s tough…It’s even tougher if you’re stupid” John Wayne
Nice… Probably about 20 years ago now, I was sitting in a “condo” stand that had a trap door in the bottom which dropped you onto the platform that the stairs (yes, stairs, not ladder) was attached to. Anyway, sun has gone down and a 6-pt walked out on the stand and I roasted him. I was pretty excited, through the trap door to the side and dropped through the bottom. I looked back out towards the corn pile and a nice doe was standing 10 yards from the buck I had just shot. BAM!!! Couldn’t have been a minute from the time I dropped the first one until the second walked out and shot her too.
skinneej, she must have been deaf! Shame on you, for shooting a handicapped deer:wink: Did she have a guide dog? She might have been blind too:smiley:
Originally posted by EasyDang Skeeter, you didn’t have to shoot him on full auto! Don’t the Gyrines, have the 3 round burst M4’s yet? Nice buck:wink:
Ha,ha,ha…Nope…just one shot with the 308. He went about 60 yards or so. I have never seen this buck before on the camera. He must have showed up in the last couple of days. In any event, he won’t be showing up there anymore. Now, I’m after one a good bit bigger than him now that I have broken the ice with a good one for the taxi man.
2012 Skeeter ZX22 Bay
Yamaha 250 hp SHO
Minnkota Riptide 101
308, is a good caliber! Good shot:wink:
I was up on Wellesley Island NY, this past week and the bucks up there are still in velvet! That’s on the Canadian border! I would have figured, they would have rubbed sooner then SC bucks?
Great looking rack. Congrats
Hunting, fishing, and poker are my sports. Work when necessary.
You need to post this on hunting reports.
Hunting, fishing, and poker are my sports. Work when necessary.
Easy I grew up about 30 minutes downriver of Wellesley Island, it does seem late. Early archery is always the last 3 days of September and I’ve never known anyone’s deer to have velvet then.
18ft Polar CC 115 Yam.
“Pamplona is no place to bring your wife” Earnest Hemmingway
Nice one, congrats!
Catchy, I saw 2 Bucks on the side of the road 1 evening and both were still in full velvet? They were predicting the 1st frost this weekend so that should get them moving:question:
Originally posted by EasyCatchy, I saw 2 Bucks on the side of the road 1 evening and both were still in full velvet? They were predicting the 1st frost this weekend so that should get them moving:question:
Easy, what you talking about… Frost this weekend!! Were do you live at? Must be out of state?
Skeeter, that’s a tall rake! nice buck!
Fred, I was up on the NY/Canada border and I can only tell you what I saw! I don’t make this stuff up! Why would I? They were in full velvet!
Originally posted by EasyFred, I was up on the NY/Canada border and I can only tell you what I saw! I don’t make this stuff up! Why would I? They were in full velvet!
Ok, I got ya. I thought you were talking around here. Just got back from my walk and I worked up a good sweat.