does anyone know who makes the line tamer bucket that is collapseable?
You talking about the leaf bags?
yea, sorta, i think some are weighted on the bottom. are the leaf bags? guess i could throw a wet towel in the bottom or a piece of plywood w/ fingers…thanks brotha…2 minds are better than mine
Stupid question I know, but I’m new to fly fishing, so I’ll ask it anyway. What is a line tamer? If it’s what it sounds like, it helps keep the line you’ve stripped off the reel neat. I’ve been having a hard time keeping it from getting tangled in the marsh grass as it’s moved along with the incoming/outgoing tide.
“A ship is always referred to as she because it costs so much to keep one in paint and powder”
Admiral Chester W. Nimitz
Scotty, check out this: I have one and it works pretty well. The hip shooter by mangrove outfitters works well too.
“Fishing is alot like sex…when its good,it’s really good, and when its bad, its still pretty good.”
Best I’ve seen for use on boat. Go to Target and in the laundry section they have a round/collapsible mesh laundry hamper. Take a piece of rubber hose that will be the same circumference as the inside of the hamper. Fill it with round lead shot (use ball bearings or anything that will add weight to the hose) and join with a union. Place the circled hose is the bottom of the hamper. The weight keeps it in place, the mesh sheds the wind, and there is nothing to catch the line. Wish I could take credit for this but I got the idea from Capt. John Kuminski of Titusville, FL.
ys dragon, your right…with a bucket you can also just drop your rod in while you run from spot2spot. SG- im thinking about the mangrove basket also to replace my old ‘perfectly square’ basket. do you have one? if so is it collapseable(to say a smaller gear bag)?
gargen hose idea is great! thanks
the hip shooter is my favorite, but it is not collapseable and does take up a little space.
“Fishing is alot like sex…when its good,it’s really good, and when its bad, its still pretty good.”
I use the fiskars big one and used 3/4 in plastic tubing filled with egg sinkers for the weight. I have also seen a disc of plywood cut to fit in the bottom as well. Works well, although I rarely use it anywhere but in the keys.
I second the Target stripping baxket. worls like a charm and only $7.
“Reasonable risk is implied in lion hunting”
Peter Hathaway Capstick