bucks responding to rattling

Rattled in a 6 pts.yesterday at 8am in open field.Let it walk.

Had a nice 8pt following close behind a doe at 1900 hour last night, let him walk. He was a little wide with long main beams then the one killed a couple weeks back. Needs to grow a little

Dan J Martin

i grunted in my 6 last weekend but havent tried the rattle yet. im trying an archery only portion of a wma sat so ill have to try the antlers out

Which wma are you hunting, I here you talk about hogs a lot and I need one. HELP

Dan J Martin

Never tried to imitate the sound but have encountered the real thing twice. The first time I was slipping into my stand overlooking a natural meadow with oaks and I heard it and got all riled up just knowing some tresspasser was in the tree bangin away. So I go runnin in there and off goes a group of deer. Lesson learned. The next time was just last year and I was goin into a customers property when I heard it in the middle of a thicket I knew that noone was in. Stalked up towards the sound and followed a young buck headed in to the fray. Visibility in that hole is about ten yards. Well I head what sounded like a bear coming towards me through the briars and seen a huge set of horns. Unfortunately I had a rifle and never was able to get a good shot on the vitals. Got a glimpse of the body walking away and it looked like a year old calf!

Originally posted by Dmartin70

Which wma are you hunting, I here you talk about hogs a lot and I need one. HELP

Dan J Martin

never killed a hog in FMNF but im now stationed in south georgia. drive around any of the gravel roads and find creeks/swamps and you should be able to find some rooting and hopefully where theyre moving in and out to feed. ive never killed 1 unguided so im after my first on my own myself. good luck!

good report

it works, been doing it for a long time.

Rattling worked on a few bucks this past weekend in the ridge spring/saluda area. Nothing massive, but a few younger bucks came storming in ready to raise hell with a rattle/grunt combo.

Can’t catch anything on a dry hook…
