Building your own private pond

Looking good!!!


Ten four on the soil sample. one suggestion if you have access. Run a middle buster or a good turn plow on the edge of the plowed area closest to the tall pines to cut their roots that Will be leeching your food plot. Rule of thumb, a pine will have roots out as far as they grow tall.

looks like you will have your hands full this next season on hunting stands to sit and a place to fish. You have the saltwater access wrapped up, now you will have fresh water as well. Those composite boards you used for your dock, do you predrill and then screw them down or can you just screw them down? My wooden deck is deteriorating and I want to do that route when redoing.

There’s no shortage of animals I’m feeding lately…

“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017

And yes Fred, for composite, you’ll have to predrill those.

“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017

Bump bump bump. Compete sentence error

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You’re not gonna start noodlin are ya?

Seems the pond has been a success, congrats!

Nothing better than that!

Thanks for bringing this back up!:wink: